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论文作者:留学生论文论文属性:硕士毕业论文 dissertation登出时间:2021-06-16编辑:vicky点击率:3885

论文字数:35855论文编号:org202106131425148322语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 44




Chapter One Introduction

1.1 Research Background

In an era of rapid social development,people tend to blindly regard higherEducation as an access training for employment in order to meet the needs of society.And many universities also give priority to graduate students’ good employmentconditions and students will be unilaterally trained into high-tech, high-levelprofessional talents ignoring the individual characteristics of the students. Universitiesattach much importance to hard skills on natural science and having neglected all-rounddevelopment needs and the cultivation of comprehensive literacy. Whole-personeducationists oppose putting instrumental purposes above the purposes of personaldevelopment. Holistic educationists hold the belief that personal development shouldtake precedence over social needs. In the eyes of holistic educationists, education is notimplemented just for training employees for business, training talents and labors for thecountry, education should also encourage people to fully explore human potential,cultivate the integrity development of human beings, which eventually realize fulldevelopment of human being in physical quality, knowledge, skill, morality, intelligence,spiritual statues, soul, creativity.

Theoretically speaking, human’s development is based on the ability to read andwrite and the competence of language, and the words and vocabulary, as parts oflanguage itself, apply great influence to language competence and language utteranceand make them fulfilled. Strictly, a person’s English proficiency is deeply rooted in his stock of vocabulary.


1.2 Significance of the Study

1.2.1 Research Questions

The study on English vocabulary teaching and conceptual metaphorical thinkingfor non-English major students mainly discusses two research questions:

The first research question:What is the status quo of non-English major studentsvocabulary learning?Through questionnaire, the data of frequency and relevance thequality and quantity of students’ vocabulary can be displayed on the teachers andresearchers, and offer references to the study for this aspect. And it holds quite lotpossibility that it would show the relationship between conceptual metaphoricalthinking and vocabulary learning effect.

The second research question:what effects does cultivating students' metaphoricalconsciousness effectively improve students' vocabulary learning efficiency andholistic-person growth?In this study, conceptual metaphor theory is incorporated into college English vocabulary teaching and intergroup contrast experiments areimplemented to explore the potential role of conceptual metaphor in vocabularylearning and enhance students’ cross-disciplinary competence and sustainabledevelopment to testify the significance of conceptual metaphorical thinking. Throughvocabulary learning, students can produce his own conceptual metaphor generativemechanism and create figurative collocations, and advance his own understanding of themultiple disciplines and the perception of internal and external world.


Chapter Two Literature 论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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