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论文作者:留学生论文论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2020-12-31编辑:vicky点击率:4290

论文字数:41201论文编号:org202012242003007987语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66




Chapter I Introduction

1.1 Research Background

As we know, writing plays an important role in English learning which reflects alearners’ integrated skill of language usages. According to Wang Qiang (2000), on a day today basis, we write many things, and write for many reasons. Whether it is in social workor study situations, we write to get things done and to form and maintain socialrelationships. In reality, there are a great variety of things we write, for example, letters,journals, notes, instructions, posters, essays, reports and menus.

Writing is a basic tool to expand vocabulary and open the horizon. Using wordscorrectly is just the basic function of writing, the more we write, the larger vocabulary wewill have. By dealing with different kinds of writing requirement, more and more thoughtswill be created in the mind. Thus the writers will become wiser and their logical thinkingand analysis ability can be improved at the same time.As an integrated skill, the level of English writing reflects the writer’s mastery of thelanguage in other aspects such as vocabulary size, grammar knowledge, and some writingskills. To write English well, it is necessary to read widely for inputting ideas or materialsfor writing, such as English dramas, novels and newspaper. In this way not only is thesense of language improved, but also the quality of writing is improved. Therefore,reading is accumulating and writing is producing; reading is input and writing is output.Only when we read continuously to increase accumulation, can we have some products toharvest and gain. Reading and writing have a close relationship and promote mutually. Infact, we write what we read. When our writing ability is improved, the ability of reading isimproved too.


1.2 Current Situation of Senior One Students’ English Writing

As we know, for years, the effect of English writing teaching in senior high school ofour country is not as good as expected, especially for Senior One students. Some of thereasons are as follows.

Firstly, Junior Three students have just finished senior high school entranceexamination and Senior One is a transition period for them. What a transition period toSenior One students is what a bridge to a river. According to the National EnglishCurriculum Standards of Senior High School (2017), the aim of learning English is toconsolidate the basic knowledge and to develop listening, speaking, reading and writing.In writing aspect, the syllabus requires that the students should develop an ability to useEnglish for primary communication. It requires that when students graduate from seniorhigh school, they are expected to reach Level 8 of writing. Obviously, the difficulty oflearning English and English writing is increased. Meanwhile, most senior high schoolswill set high standards for students to prepare for the college entrance examination, whichmakes students full of worry and panic. Under this circumstance, some former excellentstudents’ English scores fall down and some ordinary students’ scores become worse afterthey enter the senior high school. They gradually lose interest in E论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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