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Economics Essay-锁定效应及其成因

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:短文 essay登出时间:2015-11-05编辑:chenyuting点击率:8609

论文字数:3139论文编号:org201511022008142151语种:英语 English地区:英国价格:免费论文

关键词:The Lock In Effect锁定效应技术变革


Economics Essay-锁定效应及其成因

The Lock In Effect And Its Causes



This paper has the purpose to explain the lock-in effect and its causes through the most famous example in history. We will start describing the concept of lock-in and then we'll try to explain the theory behind path-dependences and increasing returns. In the second half of the document we will undertake a trip between the most famous cases of lock-in in history and we'll discuss their main causes.

In the corporate field one of the most important strategic choice is technological change, this is connected with technology management, organizational learning and industrial organization economics. In this case we can have a strategic dilemma, where we can have two different possibilities. First the firm can exploit an existing and well known technology or it can explore a new technology that can give more advantages in the long period. Huge firms usually decide to invest in their core business where they have more possibilities and returns. This produce a strategic problem where they prefer to stay in their old technology indeed to develop a new one. So new and alternative technologies meet big difficulties to develop in the market. Lock-in occurs when an alternative and maybe better technology can't increase its market share because there are some predominance and maybe worst technology. The emergence of a dominant technology starts when some new and alternative inventions compete to accomplish the demand and the needs of consumers. In the beginning there is a uncertainly period called 'era of ferment' (Unruh 200), in which all technologies fight each other for performance improvements and market share. This period of competition ends when one technology obtain enough market share and becomes a standard. To underline is that the initial choice is arbitrary. This causes a change in the policy of the firms that move innovation from the development of new products to the improvement of standard product's process. The superior technology not necessary win the war for the market share. An inferior one can win thanks to path-dependent processes; where time, strategy and historic circumstance are more important than optimality. During development and commercialization of this technology we can see the presence of increasing returns to scale that are the main reason for winning.

Path dependence implies that a lower advantage or a temporary lead for some technology, product of standard provoke huge and irreversible pressure on the allocations of resources in the market. Also when in the market there are voluntary decisions and individually maximizing behavior. There are three types of path 论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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