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论文作者:留学生论文论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2021-08-04编辑:vicky点击率:2820

论文字数:49566论文编号:org202107211001423359语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66




Chapter Ⅰ Task Description

1.1 Background of the Translation Task

In recent years, many universities and colleges in China have opened Australianresearch centers, which shows the popularity of Australian literature. These centersnot only carry out various academic exchange activities, but also publish a largenumber of papers, which have received widespread attention at home and abroad. Butwhen it comes to Australian children’s literature, there is very little research on it. Thereasons are as follows: first of all, most people do not pay enough attention tochildren's literature. Secondly, people do not really understand the content of Australiaand Australian children's literature.

Children's literature is very different from popular literature due to theparticularity of children's mental characteristics and cognitive styles. Many peoplethink that children's literature is relatively easy to translate and does not require a highlevel of translation. On the contrary, the translation of children's literature is severaltimes more difficult than adult literature. Therefore, to change one language intoanother language, especially the language for children, shoulders a great responsibility.As an indispensable part of Australian literature, children's literature is still on thefringe. In this way, this article selects the representative work Hughie by the famousAustralian children's literature writer David Martin as the research object. Since 1945,the author has settled in the Australian bush and lived with the local Aboriginal. After1960, his wife taught at a 'Stringybark' school in New South Wales. During thisperiod, David Martin paid close attention to the problems of the Aboriginal lives andused many real events at that time as the raw material for writing Hughie.


1.2 The Significance of the Task

The translator thinks the source text should be enlightening and educational.After considering, the translator chooses Hughie as the source text. So, there are threereasons why the translator chooses Hughie as the source text.

First of all, children are the future of the country and nation, and the quality of

their education is directly related to the development of human society. Inaddition, childhood is a critical period for acquiring knowledge, cultivating interest,and forming good habits. Therefore, children’s education has been valued by parentsand all walks of life, and has gradually become a great national undertaking.Children's literature writers themselves shoulder the sacred mission of literature andart, turning life into fairy tales and turning fairy tales into life. As for translator alsohave the same mission to convey and continue the beauty of different cultures. Duringtranslation process, the translator should analyze the article from multiple angles, trybest to make the target reader understand and inspire.

Hughie is a very special Australian children's novel. Children's literature issubordinate to literature. It not only has the characteristics of ordinary literature, butalso has the entertainment, endurance and education required by child readers.Therefore, 论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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