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论文作者:meisishow论文属性:MBA毕业论文 MBA Thesis登出时间:2014-10-03编辑:meisishow点击率:8033

论文字数:3164论文编号:org201410022155462963语种:英语 English地区:瑞典价格:免费论文

关键词:组织结构operating model运营模式分析企业规模





Different types of organizational Structure are widely applied in many companies around the world. Different companies almost have different types of organizational Structure which mainly depends on the size of the enterprise, the types of products and the industry of the enterprise. Organizational Structure is to point to how to carry on the division of labor, group and coordination and cooperation for the work task. In terms to the problems of interdepartmental conflict and disagreement which causes by the introduction of new products, this article analyses the organizational issue relevant to the organizational structure , Malard manufacturing company’s organizational Structure and put forward the ways to solve these problems.

Malard manufacturing company produces control valves that regulate flows through natural gas pipeline. Mallard has approximately 1400 employees and has successfully produced a standard line of control valves that are price competitive in the industry. With the development of product and market, the company needs to introduce a lot of new products every year or two. However, the introduction of new products brings about the problems of interdepartmental conflict and disagreement. So we must identify the organizational issue relevant to the organizational structure and analysis the problem and suggested potential solutions.

The current organizational structure of Malard Manufacturing is functional structure (Olmo, 2006). We can take the CV305 for example, the research and development group developed the basic design, and the engineering department converted it into a prototype control valve. Now the materials department must acquire parts for the prototype and make plans for obtaining parts needed for production runs. The production department is to manufacture and assemble the product, and Marketing is responsible for sales.

From the case, we can know that the introduction of new products brings about the problems of interdepartmental conflict and disagreement. Each department only considers their own benefit instead of from the whole company point of view which caused conflict of interest within the company. From below we can know the interdepartmental conflict and disagreement. Department heads think the work of the CV305 should be done simultaneously instead of sequentially. Marketing department wants to provide input to research and development to meet customer needs. Production department believes that the design will meet customer needs, the design fit machine limitations and it is cost-efficient to manufacture. Therefore, Production department wants to speed up development of the final plans so that it can acquire tooling and be ready for standard production. However, engineering department wants to slow down development to ensure that specifications are correct and have been thoroughly tested.

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