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The Effect of Different Translation Taskson Incidental Vocabulary Acquisition

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:职称论文 Scholarship Papers登出时间:2013-12-22编辑:hynh1021点击率:8038

论文字数:3659论文编号:org201312201139454047语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文

关键词:translation tasksincidental vocabulary acquisitionreceptive knowledge of

摘要:Whether the translation task is most effective in incidentalvocabulary Requisition remains unknown. Thus future studies can be conductedto compare the effects of reading, writing and translation on incidental vocabularyacquisition.

1. Introduction

Vocabulary acquisition is a necessary but also difficult part of second language acquisition.Researchers have been trying to find an effective way to enlarge the learners' vocabulary.Since the term "incidental vocabulary acquisition" was first put forward, many researchers(Gass, 1999; Horst, Cobb & Meara, 1998; Huckin & Coady, 1999) have discussed itsimportance in second language acquisition. Huckin and Coady (1999, p.182) considerthat "incidental learning of vocabulary has certain advantages over direct instruction,including the following: (a) It is contextualized, giving the learner a richer sense of aword's use and meaning than can be provided in traditional paired-associate exercises,(b) it is pedagogically efficient in that it enables two activities_vocabulary acquisitionand reading—to occur at the same time, and (c) it is more individualized and learner-based because the vocabulary being acquired is dependent on the learner's own selectionof reading materials." Because of the significance of incidental vocabulary acquisition, thisstudy was conducted to further explore it.

2. Literature Review

Since the term "incidental vocabulary acquisition" was first put forward by Nagy, Hermanand Anderson in 1985,researchers have conducted numerous studies to show that learnerscan actually acquire a certain number of new words when they are doing other languageactivities such as listening, reading, speaking or writing rather than memorizing the newwords directly. Meanwhile, more and more second language acquisition researchers andteachers have realized the natural advantages of translation in second language acquisition(Chun & Plass, 1996; Grace, 1998; Hulstijn, 1993; Knight, 1994; Laufer & Shmueli, 1997;Prince, 1995). Their studies showed that compared with picture illustration, provision ofsample sentences and so on, translation was more effective in vocabulary acquisition. Inaddition, Nation (2001, p. 351) further proposed that translation was an effective way tomeasure the learners' receptive as well as productive knowledge of vocabulary. Up to now,I have not found any empirical studies of incidental vocabulary acquisition through merelytranslation tasks. A few studies have been conducted by comparing translation tasks withother tasks, especially reading tasks.Laufer (2005) questioned the statement that reading was one of the most effectiveways of vocabulary acquisition and she made an explorative study by comparing thedifferent effects of translation and reading comprehension on vocabulary size. The subjectswere 48 Israeli middle school students whose mother tongue was Hebrew. They weredivided into a reading group and a translation group. It turned out that the translationgroup performed better than the reading group in vocabulary acquisition.Bruton (2007) conducted a study in the FL English class of a typical Spanishsecondary school. The students translated a short LI Spanish text into FL English orallyas a class, with accompanying dictionary glosses, before writing it down individually. Thiscollaborative translation was supported by the teacher, and any lexical items that were notknown by anyone in the class were looked up by everyone. These referenced items werethen included in the evolving communal L2 text. A week later, the students were asked totranslate the same text a论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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