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论文作者:佚名论文属性:短文 essay登出时间:2009-09-24编辑:lisa点击率:8040

论文字数:300论文编号:org200909241610461904语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文


1.Mental Health for College Students.
    Serious situation in mental health for college students
    Single-child family, self-centered mentality
    Lack of communicative skills
    Not enough emphasis on mental health of college students
    Teacher-student relationship very loose
    Negative Impact of Divorce Family
    Social economic transformation
    Efforts from the government/MOE/families/communities
    Constructive measures consultation from experts
    Helping others is helping oneself
    Stress modesty and constructive solutions
    overcome bad habits
    Change position with each other
    2.Rich & Poor Gap in China and Solutions
    Social and economic transformation period
    anti-corruption demand
    previous mentality from planned economy
    regional differences
    strengthen legislation
    taxation reform
    social welfare system
    governmental poverty relief efforts
    healthy ideological navigation
    3.Conservation-minded Society(节约型社会) and Viable Solutions
    earth facing crisis in natural resources
    water and forest resources facing crucial test with rapid materialistic development
    many wars fought for resources
    sustainable and peaceful development the only way out
    related technology: new energy, water treatment technology,
    price lever regulation
    international cooperation
    raise public awareness (sense of crisis)
    think for our future and posterities
    rational development and exploitation
    4.High Tuition Fees in Universities and Possible Solutions
    Awkward situation of university tuition fees
    Marketization influence, competition
    People's growing need for higher Education
    more scholarships
    student loans, bank support/credit
    MOE regulations and government legislation for reasonable charging standard
    tuition reduction and exemption for excellent/merit students and extremely poor students
    offer part-time jobs/teaching assistance/social practice
    5.Chosen Unemployment: High Expectations Vs. Reality for Fresh College Graduates.
    Fewer jobs for more fresh graduates
    high expectations from fresh graduates
    inability to cope with complicated situation
    fear of hard work
    subconsciously hope for quick success
    low tolerance for failure
    excessive enthusiasm for material wealth
    neglect of mental balance
    overestimation of oneself
    slave of desires
    lack of patience and 论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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