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论文作者:留学生论文论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2023-12-29编辑:vicky点击率:593

论文字数:39896论文编号:org202312221550202916语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66




1 Introduction

1.1 Research background and significance

1.1.1 Background

Togo is located in western Africa, with a population of about 7.9 million and an area of 56785 square kilometers. It borders Benin to the east, Ghana to the west, Burkina Faso to the north, and the Gulf of Guinea to the south. The south has a tropical rainforest climate, and the north has a tropical grassland climate. The average annual temperature is 27°C in the coastal areas and 30°C in the north. Agriculture, phosphate and re-export trade are the three pillar industries.


Togo is one of the least developed countries in the world announced by the United Nations, and its agricultural productivity is not high. At the same time, Togo is a traditional agricultural country, and agriculture is the backbone of the national economy, contributing 60% of the jobs and more than 40% of GDP to Togo. Togo's main food crops include cassava, ginseng potato, corn, sorghum, rice, beans, etc. The total output in 2019 was 5.8279 million tons. For many years, the Togolese government has been committed to promoting agricultural development. Since 1983, the Togolese government has implemented an economic restructuring plan, adopted a liberalized economic policy, and prioritized the development of agriculture. Since 2011, the Togolese government has implemented the National Agricultural Investment and Food Security Plan to expand agricultural production. Togo organizes the National Farmers Forum in Kara every year to improve agricultural efficiency. The government promised at the forum that it will incre ase investment in the agricultural sector, protect farmers‟ land, and create better conditions for domestic and foreign private sector investment to promote crop production, storage, processing and sales. In March 2019, Togo launched a new national development plan (2018-2022), hoping to embark on a path of comprehensive development. Among them, the second article mentions the establishment of agricultural product processing and manufacturing industrial parks, and strive to increase the added value of products and reduce the trade deficit by 2022 by local processing of more than half of the agricultural products.

1.2 Literature review in Togo and abroad research

Efficiency first refers to effective factors, which first appeared in Latin. Efficiency was first applied mainly in mechanical Engineering at the end of the nineteenth century. It was expressed in a ratio, expressed as the ratio of output to input energy. Subsequently, efficiency has been widely used in various disciplines, in addition to the most applications in Economics. One of the most frequently used and widely used terms in economic practice and theoretical applications is efficiency, such as: consumption efficiency, distribution efficiency, production efficiency, organizational efficiency, exchange efficiency, dynamic efficiency, static efficiency, technical efficiency, institutional efficiency, and market Efficiency etc. That is to say, because the concept of efficiency is so widely used, so far, the concept of efficiency has not been recognized by the Economics community with an exact definition. 

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