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论文作者:留学生论文论文属性:硕士毕业论文 dissertation登出时间:2021-01-19编辑:vicky点击率:3159

论文字数:35622论文编号:org202101061030283060语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 44




Chapter One Introduction

1.1 Project Background

In this translation practice, the introduction of the NORTON Shakespearehistorical play series 'All Is True' written by the American Shakespeare researcherStephen Greenblatt is selected as the translation text. The original book is a collectionof Shakespeare's works. It is in English and has not been translated into Chinese yet.The book is a collection of all of William Shakespeare's works, and the editor lists anintroduction to each of Shakespeare's works, focusing on the work itself and theinfluence of the original author's environment on the work itself. Shakespeare is agreat playwright in the Renaissance period. Ten of his historical plays are based on theEnglish history from the 13th to the 16th century. These ten historical plays mainlyreflect the struggle between the British dynasties, the complicated inside story ofpower struggle, the development trend of British society and the historical fact ofhumanism. These questions have important reference value for us to understand thedynamics of British society at that time, the change of dynasties, court life and thecomplicated history of political struggle. And All Is True is a work that takes place ata time of doctrinal conflict in Britain. The author analyzed the complex relationshipbetween the characters, the court struggle, the hypocritical and dark humanity in thework objectively and in detail, which provided the readers with a lot of auxiliaryunderstanding materials.


1.2 Project Description

This translation practice, guided by Nord's textual analysis theory, analyzes theintroduction translation of All Is True (also known as Henry VIII) in the collection ofNORTON Shakespeare. In the previous research, preface translation is less mentioned,what’s more, the text is more special. The preface, also known as the introduction,refers to the work before the overview part. It aims to explain the purpose, processand source of one’s work, and outline the points and conclusions of the book so thatthe reader has a general idea that will help him understand the work more easily. The translation of the introduction closely conforms to the original text, so the translationof the introduction also follows the characteristics of the literary translation of theoriginal text.



2.1 Preparation before Translation

This translation is the introduction to NORTON Shakespeare All Is True. This textis inclined to literary text, which is difficult to understand in terms of vocabulary,syntax and style. So the preparation is very important.

First of all, in the early preparation, the translator should first understand andread the original text of All Is True, and understand the background of Shakespeare'swriting, the social environment at that time, the gap between the literary script and thereal history. I then consulted the author of the introduction and his academicbackground.

Secondly, there are a lot of quotations in the original text, so it is necessary tomake clear the original meaning before translation.For example, the author quotedLatin--De Casi论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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