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论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2013-03-19编辑:hynh1021点击率:9602

论文字数:17900论文编号:org201303181058356233语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文



1. Introduction 引言

德国著名的语言学家卡塔琳娜Reiss和维梅尔创立了功能翻译理论的核心理论。在行为主义学习理论下,维梅尔提出,翻译是一种有目的的人类活动。Famous German linguists Katharina Reiss and Hans Vermeer founded the Functionalist nucleus theory Skopos Theory. Under the Behavioral Learning Theory, Vermeer proposed that translation is a purposeful human activity. [1] He also stressed that different cultures have different customs and values because of the cultural environment, and translation is not a one-to-one transformation activity. [1]
According to the Skopos Theory, all translations should follow three principles: objective law, law of coherence and fidelity law. [2] Objective law, which is the supreme principle of Skopos Theory, is the most important factor in translation. https://www.51lunwen.org/sampleenglishpaper/  It is the overall purpose of the translation, that is, “The end justifies the means”. [2] What coherence principle refers to is that a translation must be able to allow the reader to understand. And it is meaningful in the target language and culture. In other words, the target text must be translated in such a way that it is coherent for the target text receivers, given their circumstances and knowledge. [3] The fidelity principle merely states that there must be coherence between the translated version and the original text. According to Skopos Theory, then, translation is the production of a functionally appropriate target text based on an existing original text, and the relationship between the two texts is specified according to the purpose of the translation. [3] Every translation is directed at an intended audience. The theory focuses above all on the purpose of the translation, which determines the translation methods and strategies that are to be employed in order to produce a functionally adequate result. According to this translation purpose, translators can decide what to retain and what to screen out in the original text. [3]
The Catcher in the Rye, which was published in 1951, is the only novel written by American writer J.D.Salinger. Once published, it drove American crazy. For decades, with being reprinted ceaselessly and long lasting market, it has been recognized as a classic in contemporary American literature.
The Skopos Theory is available to many versions’ analysis and is able to illustrate many irrational phenomena. To demonstrate this problem, this article will use Hans j. Vermeer theory to appreciate Mr. Shi Xianrong’s translation at the level of language and culture features and translation strategies.

2. Overview of the Skopos Theory 目的论的理论综述

2.1 Definition定义
Skopos Theory is the dominant theory of functional translation theory. Skopos is Greek which means purpose, intention and object. [4] In 1984, Rice and Vermeer suggested the Skopos Theory in their co-authored of General translation theory Foundation. It is a theory which believes that translation is a purposeful activity and the translator in the translation process must develop strategies for translation according to the translation purpose. “Due to the differences in language and culture, the translation can’t be what the original used to be. Therefore, what to retain or change and how much to retain or change depend on the purpose of translation”. [5]

2.2 Hans j. Vermeer’s Skopos Theory汉斯·维梅尔的目的论

In the 1970s, Vermeer put forward the Skopos Theory, and he thought that the overall purpose of 论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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