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论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2014-07-29编辑:felicia点击率:13701

论文字数:6063论文编号:org201407282145524099语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文

关键词:胎儿死亡率Feto-infant mortalityStillbirthuterofetal death死胎原因


摘要 Abstract:



Feto-infant mortality is increasing worldwide. Stillbirth is defined as uterofetal death at 20 weeks of gestation or greater. Stillbirths contribute as a primary factor to the growing magnitude of feto-infant mortality. The reasons for stillbirth are usually not reported. In many cases, the specific cause of fetal death remains unknown. The key risk factors include smoking, increased maternal age, being overweight, fetal-maternal hemorrhage.

Even though there has been remarkable development in prenatal and intranatal care, stillbirths have been consistently increasing and remain an important problem in obstetrics and gynecology. Current research studies focus mainly on the epidemiology of stillbirths. I review the known and suspected causes of stillbirth. It also describes the recommended diagnostic tests to evaluate definite cause of stillbirth. In this paper, I also review analysis of stillbirths in the United States (US). The National Center of Health statistics recorded 26,359 stillbirths in 2001. The number of stillbirths can be greatly reduced if the specific reasons for stillbirth are understood.


A pregnancy ending in stillbirth can be mentally devastating to a patient and her family. The most widely accepted definition of stillbirth is death of the fetus inside the uterus at 20 weeks of gestation or greater (Cartlidge et al., 1995). Much information is available on protocols for evaluating other types of postmortem examination but little work has been done on the evaluation of the causes of stillbirths (Mirlene et al., 2004). No universally followed protocol is available to guide the evaluation of stillbirths.

In part because a wide variety of causes can be involved in stillbirths and it can be difficult to designate a specific cause of death. A stillbirth might result from various diseases, infections, trauma or genetic defects in the mother or fetus (Gardosi et al., 2005). In many cases, a specific reason is not known. Even though stillbirths are a serious problem, few resources have been focused on them and most obstetricians lack a sound method of evaluating of stillbirths (Petersson, 2002). In this document, I will review the accepted causes of still birth and the suggested diagnostic tests for evaluating the reason behind stillborn infants. In the year 2001 in the US, the National Center of Health Statistics recorded 26,359 stillbirths (Ananth et al., 2005).

When compared to 27,568 infant deaths were reported in the same year. More than half of the stillbirths are before 28 weeks of gestation and almost 20% are close to the term. If a history of stillbirth exists then there is a 5-fold increase for subsequent stillbirth to occur. Prominent racial discrimination occurs in the rates of stillbirths. Stillbirths are almost three times more prevalent in African Amer论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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