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俚语的语言翻译研究Slang translation in the language study

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:本科毕业论文 Thesis登出时间:2017-08-09编辑:anne点击率:5137

论文字数:论文编号:org201708091035381230语种:中文 Chinese地区:中国价格:免费论文

关键词:俚语语言翻译研究Slang translationlanguage study


Introduction 介绍

俚语是语言中最具争议性的问题之一。许多学者多年来就开始了研究它的工作。这不是一个新概念。然而,这是一个值得考虑的现象。有些学者认为俚语也带有一种已知的语言风格和使用某一特定的社会群体,例如,青少年可能使用一种特殊的俚语不能完全理解站在外面的人。俚语在文学翻译中,会引起严重的翻译问题,因为俚语是语言和文化,从来没有出现过简单或延伸的含义。尤其是文化翻译文学属于完全不同的两个国家立刻认出是必要的(马许哈迪,与pourgalavi,2013)。为了解决这类翻译的问题,不同译者采用不同的翻译策略,因此有必要对这些策略进行讨论和分类,以帮助译者做出充分恰当的决策,并有助于翻译研究。Slang is the language of one of the most controversial issues. Many scholars have started to develop its work for many years. It is not a new concept. However, this is a phenomenon that should be considered. Some scholars think that slang is also with a known language style and use of a particular social group, such as; Teenagers may use a special slang can't fully understand people standing outside. Slang in literary translation, translation will cause serious problems, because slang is language and culture, never appeared in the meaning of simple or extension. , especially the cultural translation literature belong to two completely different countries may be necessary, immediately recognized (Mashhady, &Pourgalavi, 2013). In order to solve the problem of this kind of translation, the strategies are used by different translators; and so it is useful to discuss and classify these strategies to help the translator fully and appropriate decisions, and the language of the translation studies.

Literature review 文献综述

The purpose of literary translation is to meet the needs in the target language literature and culture; In order to cope with these requirements and applicable to discuss translation strategies they help explain the relationship between literature and conventions, therefore, literary translation (Yong, 2016). In addition, he stressed that the translation of literary works in creating dynamic discourse and culture. He noted that makes scholars believe that the nature of literary translation, translation studies. Therefore, it is not easy to learn the status of translation literature, especially literary translation, visible or invisible. When a translation is in an explicit way of production, it is considered to be a visible translation and disguised as an original work, it is considered to be an invisible translation and for this reason, many foreign literary works is still unknown. Translation, he suggests, invisible showed valuable position in translation works play a key role in the development goals.
Culture is another key problem, the translation of literary texts should be considered. It introduces a new concept called 'cultural turn', said it was a point of view, think that translation is a kind of cultural and political problem is not just text (Lantto, 2014). Culture emphasizes the relationship between language and culture, shows how culture affects and restricts translation and other areas, such as history and customs. Other scholars believe that translation of cultural words in literary translation is difficult due to the influence of culture.

Recent translation theory has been an important part of translation should still see the truth. Venuti in his book, the English translation of the translator's stealth Canon, think that the translation should be visible boycott and change the conditions of translation is the production or theory, especially in English speaking countries (Yanchun&Yanhong, 2013). This range is limited to literary translation, and thus more criticism. Discu论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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