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论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2017-06-09编辑:lgg点击率:4401

论文字数:39658论文编号:org201706091817164195语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66



Chapter One Introduction

1.1 Background of the Research
As is known, students in vocational schools usually fall behind those in undergraduate university interms of learning proficiency, so they may be imposed greater pressure by English writing due toincompetence in language knowledge. Apart from that, according to the teaching principle in vocationalschools, what students learn should be tailored to closely connect with practical use, not be limited to sometheoretical knowledge. However, in learning process, students are seldom given opportunities to apply whatthey have learned in class to practical use, even if the opportunity rises, they could possibly encounterdifficulties due to a short of storage. So when it comes to English practical writing, students in vocationalinstitute are characterized by lack of interest and fear for it. All these factors make teaching Englishpractical writing in vocational schools as a great challenge for teachers. The contradiction between thesignificance of practical writing and the overpowering practical needs of society requires effective Englishpractical writing teaching methods. A new way of teaching, which is tailored for the characteristics ofstudents in vocational schools to extend the opportunities for students to grasp English well and apply it topractical use, is urgently required. The purpose of vocational English writing is to cultivate and improvelearners’ abilities of comprehensive English application, especially the ability to apply English to cope withthe activities in daily life and foreign business. One of the ultimate goals of English teaching is cultivatinglearners’ comprehensive language competence.

1.2 Purpose and Significance of the Research
There is a big contradiction between the importance of writing skills and the overpowering practicalneeds of society, which strongly requires effective teaching writing methods. Therefore, more and moreresearches begin to pay attention to the study of writing teaching. It is also the teachers’ duty to helpstudents improve their writing ability.Chinese literacy teaching has a long history, in which process, the large experience accumulates. Thisexperience, including some traditional learning methods and strategies is a huge wealth, which accordingwith modern educational theory, and we can not be looked down upon or even abandoned. There are sometypical characteristics of experience in Chinese literary teaching, which we can summarized as readingwidely, memorizing precisely and imitating meaningfully.In China, though English is learned as a foreign language, it is surely similar to Chinese learning,because they all belong to language learning. Therefore, the experience of Chinese teaching may possibly,which is recitation-imitation here would have a positive effect in current English writing teaching. Theauthor hoped that the recitation-imitation method designed in this thesis would help students to improvetheir English writing proficiency.So, it is obvious that the study of recitation-imitation has a great significance to English writing. Somepapers about recitation have been published, and also some papers about imitation have been published too,but few papers blend recitation-imitation together to look out the effect of them. And also, some of themare relatively restricted by the introductions of theories and assumptions on pragmatics of foreign languageteaching. Therefore, few paper论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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