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金融会计留学论文代写PPD3-Thematic Independent Studies

论文作者:留学生论文论文属性:职称论文 Scholarship Papers登出时间:2010-05-11编辑:lisa点击率:19980

论文字数:7000论文编号:org201005111150193939语种:中文 Chinese地区:中国价格:免费论文


2.Analyze the marketing of using ( 4-7P), the products of L.A in UK
3. Analyze the finance forecast, costs and planning how to create profits in L.A company            
4. The characteristics of goods & services L.A
5. Differentiation and positioning strategies of L.A
6. Conclusions
1. Introduction
In this case, I will make some ideas 本论文英语论文网www.51lunwen.org整理提供to show how can I running my new company of L.A. L.A is
an underwear company that I plan to establish in UK
An   organization’s   success   depends   on   its   ability   to   identify   to   the   changing   needs   of   its
customers and continuously  respond  to  fulfill   their  need.  Customers  face a growing  range of
choice among underwear and services they can purchase and they make purchase decisions on
the basis of their perceptions of the use of products including the perceived value-added services.
Mowen & Minor (2001) defined consumer behavior as  the study of  the buying units and  the
exchange   processes   involved   in   acquiring,   consuming,   and   disposing   of   goods,   services,
experiences, and ideas.
Today, customers have higher and rising expectations toward the quality of product and services.
Customers will inevitably gravitate to the offerings that best satisfy their individual needs and
expectations.  Therefore  today’s market   leaders are  those who succeed  in best  satisfying  their
target customer. They are market and customer-orientated rather than product or cost-driven.
L.A describes its positioning as a  'service provider",  emphasizing  the intangible benefit  of "a
better-living"  while  describing  its   tangible  product  as   "a  wide   range  of  contemporary   flat-
packed   underwear  at  an  affordable   price,  good design  and  function".  L.A understands   that
consumer’s life styles are changing constantly and hence the underwear is becoming more fashion
orientated. Consumers want to change their underwear as they change their clothes - according to
what   is  fashionable and  it   is  no  longer  necessary  to pay a  lot  of  money  for  underwear  with
fashionable design.
In order to sustain in the competitive market, L.A has formed and developed their image as the
underwear service provider which offering fashionable underwear at affordable prices.  L.A tends
to  offer  "a wide  range of  underwear   items  of  good design and  function,  excellent  quality and
durability, at price so low that the majority of people can afford to buy them.
2.Analyze the marketing of using ( 4-7P), the products of L.A in UK
McCarthy(1981)  has popularized  论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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