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《对比修辞——第二语言写作的跨文化层面》(节选)英汉翻译实践报告 [3]

论文作者:留学生论文论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2022-06-17编辑:vicky点击率:4029

论文字数:66566论文编号:org202206131205251691语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66



ts that semantic translation attempts to render, as closely as thesemantic and synatic structures of the second language allow, the exact contextual meaning ofthe original . Therefore, the translator should pay attention to the original language featuresand habits in the process of translation. Lin Xiaoqin (1987) proposed a similiar view onsemantic translation, that is, the translator should be faithful to the original text and try toretain the language features of the original text. The word translation of academic monographshould be professional and is required to convey the original meaning objectively andaccurately. As a result, lexical translation mainly depends on semantic translation.

4.1.1 Conversion of Part of Speech

As English and Chinese belong to distinct language families, they are especially differentin vocabulary, grammar and other aspects. If the translator simply translates according to thepart of speech of the source text without making any modification, the idiomatic translationcould not be achieved. Therefore, in order to make the translation more acceptable to thetarget readers, part of speech conversion is a must.

Chapter 5 Conclusion

Only through constantly reflecting and analyzing can we gain a lot. In this chapter, thetranslator summarizes the translation practice by reviewing the translation process, and hopesthat would be helpful for her future translation work.

This practice task is to translate an academic monograph: Contrastive Rhetoric:Cross-cultural aspects of second-language writing. Guided by semantic and communicativetranslation, the translator analyzes the translation approaches applied at lexical and syntacticlevels. Conversion of part of speech, amplification and omission are mainly used at the lexicallevel, while recasting translation, conversion of passive voice and division are adopted to dealwith long and difficult sentences. These approaches help the translator ensure the readabilityand fluency of the translated text. Besides, the translator realizes that due to the complexity ofthe academic monograph translation, the translator is expected to convey both informationand communicative effect, and place great emphasis on the original author as well as targetreaders. Sometimes, the translator could not achieve these goals if she only relies on oneguiding theory. Therefore, it is necessary to combine semantic translation withcommunicative translation in the translation practice, so as to greatly improve the quality oftranslation.



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