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论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2017-04-14编辑:lgg点击率:5575

论文字数:36254论文编号:org201704112038425076语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66



Chapter 1 Introduction  

Humor plays an essential role in people?s life and the research on it has been a long history.  As  an  indispensable  linguistic  phenomenon,  verbal  humor  especially  attracts many  linguists?  interests  and  numerous  scholars  devote  themselves  to  the  study  of academic research in verbal humor. With the rapid development of various subjects, more and more scholars attempt to apply different theories to explore verbal humor. Thus the remarkable achievements are shown in the field of linguistics. Meanwhile, further studies on  verbal  humor  are  necessary.  This  chapter  will  introduce  the  research  background, purposes and significance, and organization of this study.    

1.1 Research Background  
Without humor life will be filled with dullness and vapidity, while with humor it will be full of joy and vitality. Sometimes humor can be contributed to change the complex things  to  be  simpler  than  before.  It  can  reduce  the  atmosphere  of  nervousness  and oppression, help people get away from a dilemma, and make a humorous environment. Humor  is  indispensable  for  human?s  life,  and  the  study  of  verbal  humor  appears particularly important. Verbal humor is a kind of communication, which expresses humor in language. It can present out by the daily talks, literatures, movies, sitcoms, talk shows and so on, namely, it exists everywhere in life and is an important way to express joy and happiness  for  people.  In  addition,  laugh  can  lessen  tension  and  bear  burdens.  Thus, undoubtedly, studying on verbal humor is helpful for people to interpret it better, and it is believed that this research is significant.  Verbal humor universally is regarded as a special language, which is studied from the ancient  times.  At  the  beginning,  the  research  mainly  focused  on  the  perspectives  of psychology and sociology, and certainly the related theories carried out in earlier times. Owing to the development of various subjects, verbal humor is introduced into academic fields and got great progress. Although the fixed definition and classification are difficult to come to an agreement, the research enthusiasm of verbal humor never fades out until now.  When  making  a  comprehensive  survey  abroad  and  domestically,  different perspectives  of  linguistics  have  been  studied  it,  such  as  rhetoric,  syntax,  translation, pragmatic and psychological aspects. The development of cognition brings a fresh air for the linguistics, so the cognitive linguistics also pays attention to the research in verbal humor. Conceptual Blending Theory is a very hot theory in the field of cognition, and it is applied  to  explicate language  phenomena. Besides, Relevance Theory  is a  powerful theory to elucidate the communicative utterances. The proposal of integration of both the theories has a great influence and offers a r论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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