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中国应试教育的分析-Analysis of Examination-Oriented Education in China

论文作者:英语论文论文属性:作业 Assignment登出时间:2014-04-15编辑:caribany点击率:13586

论文字数:4199论文编号:org201404151524279373语种:英语 English地区:英国价格:免费论文

关键词:Examination-Oriented Education应试教育quality-oriented education素质教育student evaluation system


中国应试教育的分析-Analysis of Examination-Oriented Education in China

Abstract: Since the21 century, the economic globalization trendhas been increasedvery obviouslyand the intellectual economy era is coming. Human society existence and development dependmore and more on the innovationtalent. The defects of examination-oriented education in cultivating talents becomingmore and more obvious. Faced with the challenge of intellectual economy, we should change the traditional educationmode. This paper summarizes the conditions of the examination-oriented education in China nowadays.Analyzedthe default and effect of examination-oriented education. Some suggestions were proposed which relative to educational reform and development in China education.

Keywords: examination-oriented education ,quality-oriented education,student evaluation system comprehensive ability

1. A description of disadvantage of traditional student evaluation system in China  中国传统学生评估体系的劣势说明

Examination-Oriented Education has become a tendency which is simple for coping examination and striving for high score and one-side pursuing the high rate of entrance enrollment. From the first day in the school, we have just accepted all sorts of rendering based in society. If we can get a high mark, we will enter one key-middle school, a key-high middle school, a key-university. The exam scores decide which school we can attend. Only score can decide that you can get it or not. The score can decide all of your life. In one word, score is everything. Of course, we should try to obtain high marks in examination. But it is meaningless for us only to seek high marks in exam. We do not care about the moral cultivation, the survivability, the independence of our students, causing they have high marks but low abilities.
应试教育已成为很简单的应付考试,争取高分和单面追求高考入学率高的倾向。从在学校的第一天,我们刚刚接受了社会上的各种渲染。如果我们能得到高分,我们将进入一个关键的 - 中学,高中,大学。考试成绩决定可以录取哪些学校。只有成绩才能决定你可以得到与否。分数可以决定你生活的一切。总之,分数就是一切。当然,我们应该尽量取得高分的考试。但它是没有意义的,我们只能寻求在考试中取得高分。我们不关心道德修养,生存能力,我们学生的独立性,导致他们有很高的评价,但能力却很低。

1.1 The background of examination-oriented educationin current

Under the social background of examination-oriented education, people are busy with dealing with various kinds of examinations in their prime; and after all the necessary examinationshave been passed, he or she is already old, like an arrow at the end of its flights and unable to do as much as one would like to.Then, who is the Chinarely on for scientific and technological innovation?

Education without broad, high-level and clear cultural consciousness, as Ed. Spranger (1920) argues, would remain a limited craft. The history of education must also be history of culture. The structure of education reflects the cultural consciousness and codes prevailing in the historical situationwhich the educationtakeplace.The aim of education is to teach the people science, technology and knowledge. In the world, most people get the education from school and institute, while the others learn by themselves. For every learner, the examination is very important as it isthe measurement to test whether 论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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