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论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:作业 Assignment登出时间:2013-08-10编辑:yangcheng点击率:3990

论文字数:2539论文编号:org201308091959507669语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文

关键词:company law公司法法人滥用



(A) in the basic civil law perfect legal system. Improve the legal system, the legislative system for Disregard of Corporate Personality is very important because the legal system, improve corporate personality will also reduce the appearance of abuse. The legal system of the main provisions in the "Civil Law" Article 37: "corporate shall meet the following conditions: First, established by law; Second, there is the necessary property or funds; three have their own name, organization and premises; Fourth ability to independently bear civil liability. "independently assume civil liability is a legal personality independent of the core, which includes two aspects: one is an independent legal entity governed by its property owned or responsibility; two founder is a legal person or other investors only limited to the amount of their capital limited liability corporate debt. The "Civil Law" On one hand only makes provision for the former, but not make provision for the latter aspect, it should be in the basic civil law alone will be detailed legal provisions to independently bear civil liability.


(B) In the "Company Law" in the creation of a special chapter piercing the corporate veil. China's "Company Law" Although separate Chapter XII of the company's legal responsibility to make provisions, but its provisions are mostly administrative liability or criminal responsibility, the lack of corporate personality abuse provisions. Therefore, in the "Company Law" piercing the corporate veil in the creation of a special chapter, the abuse of our current judicial practice of independent legal personality of a particular case, on the applicable conditions of corporate personality denial system, except for occasions and rules to be specific and detailed, enhance its operability, so as to provide a clear judgment judicial practice regulation, to establish it with legal personality, legal personality together constitute the trinity of complete eradication of the legal system.

 (3) In the other special laws and specific regulations to reflect the contents of corporate personality denial system, with the "Company Law" mutual intermediation, work together to build a complete system of corporate personality denial system. As an independent personality for misuse of company shareholders to evade contractual obligations, or withdrawal of the original enterprise funds to re-invest the establishment of new enterprises to circumvent the debt situation, China's "Enterprise Bankruptcy Law" the rights conferred on the Court merely confirmed bankruptcy claims and debt procedural issues, while None of the bankrupt enterprise qualification review, "but according to industry and commerce administration authorities for the company's business license issued by recognizing its legal capacity range." this should be in the "Enterprise Bankruptcy Law" to increase the "People's Court of the bankrupt enterprise The main qualification provisions for when the people's court proceedings in bankruptcy cases found that the companies have denied the legal personality of the situation, the suspension of bankruptcy proceedings, the program change论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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