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Report paper-代写Paper Report-Report on UK’s transport policy in 2006-the British Transport White Paper-英国运输白皮书

论文作者:留学生论文网论文属性:报告 Report登出时间:2011-08-23编辑:anterran点击率:5431

论文字数:5273论文编号:org201108231039493832语种:英语 English地区:英国价格:$ 22

关键词:Report paper代写Paper Reportthe British Transport White Papertransportation policycharacteristicsresourcesrecommendations

摘要:英国运输白皮书 之Report paper-代写Paper Report-Report on UK’s transport policy in 2006-the British Transport White Paper

Report on UK’s transport policy in 2006

Executive summary
The purpose of this report was to take the British Transport White Paper which was issued in 2006 as the research object to explore its characteristics and contents, analyzing its shortcomings and making relevant recommendations. The report first summarized the characteristics of the policy, including fairness: which has been transformed from the concern on the construction of roads to focusing on public transportation; sustainability, which paid more attention to the development of transportation and emphasized protecting the environment at the same time; reform: which continued the implementation of the privatization of the transportation sector. Then, it described the resource allocation issues of the policy mainly from the market resources, technical resources, financial resources and power resources. In the following chapters, it was from the social, environmental and economic aspects to introduce the impact of the implementation of the policy. Finally, it analyzed the possible problems might be existing after the implementation of the policy, including the issues of emergency management in natural disasters,  the privatization issues and the issues of construction of high-iron and made recommendations accordingly.


Keywords: transportation policy; characteristics;resources; recommendations

1.0 Introduction
The development of human society can not be separated from the support of transportation, the interaction of transportation and the development of social economy, which jointly promotes the progress of human civilization. Transportation is a necessary condition for a civilized society to establish orders and break away from chaos, the more developed a social economy is, the more important its transportation will be. Transportation industry as a pioneer of national economic development has a long-term significance for a country's overall development. The development of transportation industry depends largely on whether the formulation and implementation of traffic policies is reasonable and feasible  (Dudley & Richardson, 1998). The report takes the British transport white paper issued in 2006 as the research object to analyze its characteristics and contents, discussing its shortcomings and making relevant recommendations.
2.0  Body
2.1 The key characteristics of the policy

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