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国际经济法专业PHD RESEARCH PROPOSAL A comparison of market access rule of the regional economic organizations

论文作者:51lunwen论文属性:调研报告 Research Proposal登出时间:2008-07-24编辑:点击率:11541

论文字数:5900论文编号:org200807241056058334语种:英语 English地区:英国价格:$ 22

关键词:国际经济法专业PHDRESEARCH PROPOSALmarket access ruleregional economic organizationnon-tariffs

A comparison of market access rule of the regional economic organizations

1 introduction
1.1 backgrounds
Trade liberalization, globalization and economic integration
The role of market access and introduction of the typical regional economic organizations in different regions
1.2 objective and research question
The object of this essay is to analyze the difference and similarity of the market access of these regional economic organizations, considering their influence on the trade liberalization

2 primary literature review
2.1 Market access
2.1.1 the qualifications of market entities
General,special, external
2.1.2 the restriction of the product or service
1 qualifications imposed on products or processes
2 tariffs
2.2 The Market access of WTO and regional economic organization
2.2.1 The origin and principle
2.2.2 The measure
Barrier of tariffs or non-tariffs
2.3 The efficiency

3 Methodology
Desk research,

4 timeline
5 references
1 introduction
1.1 background
According to the statistic of China year book of 2006, China’s foreign trade volume reached US$1422.12 billion in 2005, up by 23.2%, among which China’s export was US$762.0 billion, up by 28.4%, while China’s import was US$660.12 billion, up by 17.6%. The trade surplus in 2005 was US$101.88 billion, up by 217.4%. The trade volume of China was the third largest in the world. Meanwhile, China’s overseas investment increases remarkably. In 2005, Chinese non-financial overseas investment reached US$6.92 billion, up by 25.8%. By the end of 2005, the accumulated overseas direct investment of China was about US$43.72 billion. With the fast development of Chinese foreign trade and investment, some trading partners set all kinds of barriers to trade and investment frequently to protect their domestic industry and home market. According to Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM), a total of 18 countries and regions initiated 63 anti-dumping, countervailing, safeguard and product-specific safeguard investigations against Chinese products. The total value related to these cases is US$2.1 billion. Two products were subject to anti-trust investigations in 2005, the total value related to these cases is US$170 million. In addition the role of technical barriers to trade, barriers to IPRs of China’s trading partners became more important in these partners’ trade policy against China. With China’s expanding share in the global market, for a quite long period in the future, Chinese companies will be confronted with an increasingly challenging international trade and investment environment.
On the other hand, the regional economic integration has been a trend in international economic development. As a matter of fact, the regional economical organization is flourishing after the word war two and shortens the distances in the market access systems. According to the statistics from GATT/WTO, the regional economical agreements enrolled is merely 4 in 1959 while regional economical agreements enrolled in WTO have exceed 250 by the end of 2005 and is still increasing. The trade occurred in the scope of regional economic organizations has reached 60% of the global trade. Due to the differentiation of economic development, history and goals, great differences exist among respec论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。