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论文作者:英语论文论文属性:作业 Assignment登出时间:2012-05-15编辑:lena ding点击率:7870

论文字数:1613论文编号:org201205151031346603语种:英语 English地区:比利时价格:免费论文

关键词:AppointmentThe BelgiansLanguage


     The Belgians activities reflect the strong program, and when you are looking for your Belgian partner or boss to discuss an issue, when you want to go to Belgium a friend's house to visit when you feel discomfort looking for the doctor to see a doctor, in short, when you need when dealing with the Belgian, are generally required prior to appointment, or even every barber must be agreed with the barber shop in advance the time, or it may for others prior engagement let you Baipaoyitang to. Dating allows people to do some serious thought about the issues discussed in advance, to make the discussion more fruitful; Of course, in case the timing of strong pressing issues can also be an appointment in advance, with or without an appointment directly with the Belgian friends find solutions.


Invited to meet at the agreed time, it should be 5 minutes in advance. The first meeting should be dressed, because it shows that you met with the attention and respect each other. Handshake should be a simple and powerful. Active handed him the card at the same time to repeat their names, so you can make the other side all of a sudden understanding of your identity, and know how to call your name, if you clearly know each other's title to Mr. (Mr), Miss (Miss) or his wife (Mrs.) call each other is also possible; just not by their first names, do not appear too close, the first meeting should be giving a reliable and credible impression, rather than make people feel frivolous casual sense of the end of the meeting to leave Office should take the initiative to shake hands with the people present.


Belgium national by the northern of the Flemish and the Walloons in the south. The former Dutch, after with the French-speaking, due to historical reasons, the feud between the Flemish and the Walloons, prejudices and deep. Language has always been a sensitive issue in the Belgian social and political, if you are bold to speak French with a Buddha Mans businessman is likely to be incurred by each other's resentment, self-evident outcome of the negotiations; therefore, did not get clear that you want to contact the ethnic background of the partners prior to converse in English is the safest.


When people meet in Belgium, some handle greetings, some pro once, twice or three times a cheek, different places and families have different habits. If someone asked you to go to his home, is not necessarily a meal. Such as access to people and preferably not more than 23:30 left. If you want to bring a gift, chocolate / flowers or crafts can be best not to take the white chrysanthemums. Red rose of love. Others give you a gift, they should immediately open, indicated that they liked.


Belgium (Kingdom of Belgium), located in northwestern Europe, East and bordering Germany, adjacent to the north, the Netherlands, South border with France, west of the North Sea. Ethnic composition of the Flemish family accounted for 59.3%; the Wallonia family accounted for 40.1%; Germanic race accounts for 0.6%, 90% of the population Catholic, the official French and Dutch-based, 60% of the population in Dutch-speaking, but most of the residents speak French. There is also a small German-speaking area. Capital, Brussels (Brussels) "European capital", is the headquarters of the European Union, NATO and other international organizations, each year many i论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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