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会计案例分析:imperfect corporate accounting statements

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:作业 Assignment登出时间:2013-09-06编辑:yangcheng点击率:3923

论文字数:1045论文编号:org201309052319158616语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文




First, the investment needs of SMEs shortage of funds , banks and other financial institutions are the main source of finance for SMEs , but SMEs to attract financial institution's investment or borrowing more difficult, even if the bank agrees to lend to SMEs , but also because of the high risk and improve lending rates, thereby increasing the cost of financing for SMEs , the second is the pursuit of short-term goals , due to its small size , the proportion of loans invested much more than large enterprises , the surface facing the risk is greater, as soon as they are always recover the investment, with little regard expand their scale , three investment blindness , investment direction is difficult to grasp .


Lack of corporate Accounting and management talent , management is weak, the poor quality of financial accounting , financial accounting SMEs currently a serious shortage of talent , the specific circumstances of each enterprise are different, in which some Kong Gang lack of staff , internal restraints can not be achieved , and some in the post accountants quality is poor, poor, unable to do their own work , and some low-paid accountants are employed part-time staff , and its simple to complete billing, reimbursement task , due to tax inspection department trouble , and so on , it is difficult to ensure the quality of corporate financial accounting work , did not do on the financial activities of scientific prediction decision making, planning , control, supervision , inspection and analysis and evaluation and other aspects of management . In these enterprises are prevalent : big blind financial activities of enterprises , accounting speak effective, but only satisfied formalism , going through the motions , to meet Foreign reports, financial and accounting management did not play its due role .

Internal financial and accounting management mechanism is not perfect , the lack of financial and accounting management objectives and braking force. Currently, most SMEs do not brake effectively establish a sound financial and accounting management of the internal financial and accounting management mechanism, but only limited by the small number of staff simply for bookkeeping, afterwards, the need to deal with external reimbursement , leaving financial and accounting work of the " management " performance far not play .

Accounting fraud , illegal serious . As weak financial and accounting management , internal financial and accounting management mechanism is not perfect , coupled with external oversight ineffective , resulting in corporate accounting serious violation of regulations , seriously interfere with our normal social and economic order , and cause confusion in accounting order , but also affected the SMEs healthy development of its important role in the national economy .

[ Case ] Lee CPA audit Huaxing Company 2003 annual financial statements , and found only Huaxing company prepared balance sheet and income statement , and cash flow without Statements . CPA recommends Huaxing Company in ac论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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