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论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:作业 Assignment登出时间:2013-09-06编辑:yangcheng点击率:3336

论文字数:1025论文编号:org201309052316277062语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文




Some SMEs do not set up accounts to vote on behalf of account , or set up accounts, but the accounts of the chaos. There are a considerable number of SMEs set up two sets of accounts or sets of accounts . According to the source in a questionnaire study concluded that the ratio of SMEs exist two sets of accounts up to 78.36% , which indicates that China's SMEs serious distortion of accounting information . In accounting terms , prepaid expenses accrued expenses are not required amortization , profit manipulation , the use of rolling back the way bookkeeping account and so on, some of the aging structure of accounting staff knowledge and expertise is low , so many theoretically perfect accounting methods and complex accounting techniques can not be implemented , or implemented compromised.


One of the basic functions of accounting and accounting supervision , to ensure true and accurate accounting information , accounting practices to ensure reasonable compliance . Internal accounting supervision and accounting personnel requirements of the economic activity within the enterprise to carry out accounting supervision, but SME managers often interfere accounting work , accounting personnel, subject to the manager or motivated by profit , often according to management's intent to act . The use of accounting oversight function is almost impossible.


Original certificate must pay the cost of access , because companies in the purchase of goods and materials when you do not invoice the existence of different prices , to invoices, to increase , higher prices ; Do not lower the invoice price , the difference between the two is taxes. SMEs often want to compare prices of low cost , but it is unable to obtain the required legal documents bookkeeping . Some companies can not get the costs incurred after the invoice only get non-compliant receipt. Occurred in the higher authorities assessed expenses. Enterprises had to not make this account , or transfers between notes .

[ Case ] Lee CPA audit Huaxing Company 2003 annual financial statements , we found Huaxing purchase and sales company accounting documents accompanying most original and homemade IOUs payment certificate. CPA firm to put forward a sound accounting documents Huaxing recommendations Huaxing company's accounting officer told CPA , they also know that the accounting treatment of the original must have a valid certificate support, but because they are dealing with each other , mostly self-employed, most of the transactions are cash transactions and no relevant evidence . They have no way to ask for a certificate valid only with IOUs and homemade payment credentials to support accounting treatment. But they have to ensure that these economic activities actually happened . CPA regard to trace down , out of storage by checking the relevant orders, sales ( purchase ) contracts, certificates, and to counterparties freight circularization , the accounting treatment of these transactions are recognized . When a project manager prepare audit re论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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