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2012年《职称英语考试》综合类A级真题及答案 阅读理解部分 [2]

论文作者:英语论文论文属性:考试相关 Test related登出时间:2012-04-24编辑:walter点击率:6577

论文字数:7104论文编号:org201204241216536858语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文


摘要:2012年职称英语考试综合类A级真题及答案 阅读理解-下面有3篇短文,每篇短文后有5道题。请根据短文内容,为每题确定1个最佳选项。


  35. We can infer from this passage that __

  A) girls usually attended private primary schools

  B) only girls attended classical schools

  C) girls did not like going to school

  D) Maria was a girl of strong will

  第二篇 Gross National Happiness

  In the last century, new technology improved the lives of many people in many countries. However, one country resisted these changes. High in the Himalayan mountains of Asia, the kingdom of Bhutan remained separate. Its people and Buddhist(佛教)culture had not been affected for almost a thousand years. Bhutan, however, was a poor country. People died at a young age. Most of its people could not read, and they did not know much about the outside world. Then, in 1972, a new ruler named King Jigme Singye Wangchuck decided to help Bhutan to become modern, but without losing its traditions.

  King Wangchuck looked at other countries for ideas. He saw that most countries measured their progress by their Gross Natonal Product(GNP)。 The GNP measures products and money. When the number of products sold increases, people say the country is making progress. King Wangchuck had a different idea for Bhutan. He wanted to measure his country’s progress by people’s happiness. If the people’s happiness increased, the king could say that Bhutan was making progress. To decide if people were happier, he created a measure called Gross National Happiness(GNH)。

  GNH is based on certain principles that create happiness. People are happier if they have health care, education, and jobs. They are happier when they live in a healthy, protected environment. They are happier when they can keep their traditional culture and customs. Finally, people are happier when they have a good, stable government.

  Now these is some evidence of increased GNH in Bhutan. People are healthier and are living longer. More people are educated and employed. Teenty-five percent of the land has become national parks, and the country has almost no pollution. The Bhutanese continue to wear their traditional clothing and follow their ancient Buddhist customs. Bhutan has also become a democracy. In 2008, King Wangchuck gave his power to his son. Although the country still had a king, it held its first democratic elections that year. Bhutan had political parties and political candidates for the first time. Finally, Bhutan has connected to the rest of the world through television and internet.

  Bhutan is a symbol for social progress. Many countries are now interested in Bhutan’s GNH. These countries are investigating their own ways to measure happiness. They want to create new policies that take care of their people, cultures, and land.

  Brazil may be the nest country to use the principles of GNH. Brazilian leaders see the principles of GNH as a source of inspiration. Brazil is a large country with a diverse population. If happiness works as a measure of progress in Brazil, perhaps the rest of the world will follow.

  36. Who was Jigme Singye Wangchuck?

  A. A president.

  B. A Buddhist priest.

  C. A general.

  D. A king.

  37. Apart from modernizing Bhutan, what else did Wangchuck want to do for Bhutan?

  A. To make its population grow.

  B. To keep it separate from the world.

  C. To encourage its people to get rich.

  D. To keep its tradition and论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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