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论文作者:留学生论文论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2022-08-11编辑:vicky点击率:1169

论文字数:42855论文编号:org202207291729416671语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66




1.1 Task Background

As a concentrated expression of national culture and world civilization,and as acarrier of the transmission of spiritual and material civilization,museums are chargedwith the challenging mission of promoting national culture and revitalizing nationalspirits.Through these cultural displays,people can learn about the history andglorious achievements of China.Inner Mongolia attracts many foreigners to knowabout its culture and history through its economic and scientific development.Themuseum records the changes in the cities and has the responsibility of carryingChinese culture to foreigners.In the museum,visitors can realize the history andculture of the city and have a better understanding of the Chinese unique culture.Theforeigners can fully appreciate traditional Chinese culture and have communicationwith Chinese people.The museum is a vital bridge to carry Chinese and foreigncultures.On August 24,2021,American tourist Jarad Dietrich invited the author as hisinterpreter while visiting the museums in Jaruud banner.Jarad Dietrich wanted toknow more about the history and culture of the Inner Mongolian people.JaradDietrich is my teacher during my undergraduate period and he knows my hometownis Jaruud banner so he invites me to be his guide-interpreter to visit the museum inJaruud banner.


Located in Jaruud banner,Tongliao,the Uligeer Museum has lots of exhibits ofUligeer which have huge historical and cultural meaning.The Uligeer Museumcarries different times of Uligeer art and has a responsibility of showing the historyand culture of different ages of Uligeer art.It is a wonderful place for visitors to getmore knowledge about Inner Mongolian culture.

1.2 Purpose of the Interpreting Task

With the deepening and continuous development of globalization,internationalexchanges are becoming increasingly frequent.China has attracted large number oftourists under this background.Therefore,the qualified escort interpreter is vital andcannot be ignored.As a student majoring in English interpreting,it is necessary toapply the interpreting methods and skills ever acquired in class to practice.

With the aid of an escort interpreter,the foreign tourist can fully understandrelevant changes in Uligeer art as well as the origins and usages of the exhibits duringthe escort interpretation in Jaruud Uligeer Museum.The purposes of this practice areas follows:first,to attract more foreign tourists to Inner Mongolian museums andmake Chinese ethnic culture to go global;second,this thesis can provide morereferences of Inner Mongolia Museums’Chinese to English translation;third,theinterpreter accumulates the practical skills and experiences in interpreting practiceto provide referable experiences and lessons for future interpreting practice.


2.1 Pre-interpreting Stage

Pre-interpreting preparations are key factors in making up the professionalquality of an interpreter.Thus a qualified interpreter will make preparations to ensurethe interpreting task goes smoothly.Adequate preparations for interpreting arerelevant to the performance in actu论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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