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日神之梦,酒神之醉——尼采美学视域下《无声告白》中三位主人公的自我拯救之旅 [3]

论文作者:留学生论文论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2024-03-14编辑:vicky点击率:288

论文字数:29666论文编号:org202403131006146158语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66



s illusions of beautiful appearance,and it is a beautiful dream under which people gain the courage to continue to live.

Chapter 3 Apollonian Spirits in Everything I Never Told You ................. 20

3.1 Three Characters’ Beautiful Dreams Weaved in the Apollonian Spirit ..................... 20

3.1.1 James’s Fantasy about American Identity and his Escape from Reality .......................... 21

3.1.2 Marilyn’s Act of Leaving Families for her Doctor Dream ........ 23

Chapter 4 Dionysian Spirits in Everything I Never Told You .................. 32

4.1 Three Characters’ Collapse of the Individualization in the Dionysian Spirit ....................... 32

4.1.1 James’ s Acknowledgement of his Own Difference .................. 33

4.1.2 Marilyn’s Understanding of her Family and Society ................. 35

Chapter 5 Conclusions ................ 45

Chapter 4 Dionysian Spirits in Everything I Never Told You

4.1 Three Characters’Collapse of the Individualization in the DionysianSpirit

The concept of individualization principle was first put forward by Schopenhauer.According to Schopenhauer,“the world was a painful world of will,and will was thenoumenon.”(Schopenhauer,1997:3)The individual is a phenomenon that comes out of“objectification”,which is the principle of individualization.The same“will”has becomedifferent appearances.Generally speaking,you and I,me and him,such different individualsappear because of the principle of individualization.Because of the existence ofindividualization,we separate you from me,people and things,resulting in prejudice,discrimination and other phenomena in this society.The reason why people feel painful andfeel different from others is that under the domination of the individualization,the essentialwill of the world is replaced by the appearance of people’s hearts,and people have beenaddicted to individual inner fantasies.In addition,the principle of individualization limits youto the phenomenal world,causing people to constantly inspire desire,so that people become more and more painful.However,Nietzsche wanted to break the shackles of individualizationand unified man with all things.Dionysian spirit is to make us break individualization,movetowards the noumenon world,release the will of life,and realize self-regression.“Peoplecould be affirmed as a whole,thus obtaining metaphysical comfort and realizing a kind oftranscendental freedom.”(Qin,2009:11)This section mainly introduces how James,Marilynand Lydia break through the alienated individuals and the barriers between people and societyunder Dionysian spirit.


Chapter 5 Conclusions

Supported by the spirit of Apollonian and Dionysian from the perspective of Nietzsche’saesthetics,this thesis analyzes the journey of self-salvation of the three protagonists inEverything I Never Told You.The author Celeste Ng has both the Apollonian spirit and theDionysian spirit.As a Chinese-American female writer,she has a beautiful dream of crossingracial barriers and gender discrimination.At the same time,because of her unique identity,Celeste Ng has a unique insight into the cruel treatment suffered by Chi论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。


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