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论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2012-12-07编辑:hynh1021点击率:7314

论文字数:17800论文编号:org201212061903341187语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66



  第三章包含以下几个方面:论文的问题和目标;选题,论文的方法,论文程序和数据收集。 此研究以问卷调查为主要研究方法。作者首先介绍了一些有关学习策略,词汇学习策略以及学习风格的基本概念和基本分类。有许多因素影响学生的离子的英语词汇学习策略。本论文旨在做研究学习风格之间的关系和词汇学习策略的高中学生。有两个研究问题。结果表明,受试者进行这项研究倾向于显示一个总体趋势的用人的一大各种各样的词汇学习策略。


    Chapter 1 Introduction引言

  1.1 Research Background研究背景
  Vocabulary is thought to be one of three essential factors which composed of language knowledge.Vocabulary is also the foundation of all language skills,and it is the very important part that Englishlearners may face at the very beginning.Without enough vocabulary,English learners can hardly makeprogress in their abilities for listening, speaking, reading and writing.Linguists both on foreign languagelearning and teaching hold the idea that vocabulary plays a vital role in foreign language teaching andlearning. Wilkins D.A.asserts,‘‘Without grammar very little can be conveyed;without vocabulary nothingcan be conveyed”(Wilkins, 1976:89). Although vocabulary learning is so important to second languagelearners, it has not been attached enough attention in language teaching for a long time. This becomes anobstacle for students to develop their language learning ability. After all, vocabulary is more important thangrammar in many different aspects.Vocabulary learning is the core of second language learning. In order to improve the performance ofour English, we must have a good vocabulary, but sometimes our vocabulary level depends on the propervocabulary learning strategies. Many high school students are losers of junior high school English learning,and they are afraid of learning English because they are afraid of memorizing the words. Many studentswant to know why learning English is not as easy as they think before. Most of students make slowlyprogress because of the following reasons: the forgetting and the frequent using of wrong words, and it alsomakes most of students embarrassed and puzzled. If the learner can acquire a certain amount of vocabularylearning strategies, they will improve their learning efficiency, and enhance confidence in learning English,so learning English is going to achieve success.Senior high schools, as the important component of high education stage in China, are required to takethe significant task of cultivating a large number of high-quality students for colleges and society. And evenso, economical trade globalizations require the professional talents which can master and use Englishskillfully, so vocabulary teaching is undoubtedly an essential part of English teaching in senior high schools.In additional, in Chinese senior high schools, teachers pay more attention to the importance of knowledgepoints and neglect the importance of vocabulary teaching, which lead to students’ learning difficulty andinefficiency.Now, let us come to the concept of learning style. Learning style refers to the ways which learners liketo use to deal with difficulties and problems they encountered in their research or learning process.https://www.51lunwen.org/wordings/  In somewestern countries, a large number of studies have been done in the field of learning style. Many researchershave investigated different learning styles and many researchers have given a lot of different definitions.There are many researchers have been classified the learning styles in different aspects, such as Oxford,Richard and so on. At the same time, many western scholars have done a lot of work to explore therelationship betwee论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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