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英国市场营销课程作业essay:定性研究Qualitative Research

论文作者:英语论文网论文属性:短文 essay登出时间:2012-06-14编辑:tinkle点击率:3939

论文字数:3025论文编号:org201206141406185033语种:英语 English地区:英国价格:$ 66

关键词:Qualitative Researchessay英国作业

摘要:本文主要从定性研究Qualitative Research分析,对研究和调查的定性研究论述。由英语论文网之英国作业策划组提供。

英国作业题目:Qualitative Research

本文主要从定性研究Qualitative Research分析,对研究和调查的定性研究论述。由英语论文网之英国作业代写策划组提供。
论文语言:英语论文 English
论文专业:MSC Marketing
学校国家:英国 U.K.
论文用于:Master essay 硕士课程作业
havard style


Qualitative Research
1.0 Introduction
This essay mainly contributes to the understanding of qualitative research through the analysis of two papers. As one of the primary methods to research or investigation, the researchers usually use qualitative method to analyse the social problem. It puts the aapplication of induction and deduction, analysis and synthesis, and methods such as abstraction and generalization into the analysis, thinking to the access to a variety of materials processing, and then understand the problem, reveal the inherent laws. The process of qualitative research is usually developing problems, understanding events, analysis of human behavior or opinions and then answering questions to get the inherent insight (Harris, 2011). Although the method of qualitative research is not required for statistical significance, with the experience of researchers, sensitive as well as related technologies, it can effectively gain an insight into the people’s behavior and motivation in everyday life. There are three steps to conduct qualitative research: (1) careful planning, (2) program in which details is the key, (3) further analysis and application (Harris, 2011). This essay will talk about the qualitative research with two specific papers, it will first concern on the research on the ethnography. It takes the way of how the author collects the data of her research into consideration and the analysis of advantages and disadvantages in researching the topic with different personal characteristics and experience of the researcher. After this, the essay will state how the author supports her argument. Following this, the other paper mainly talks about the qualitative research in the interview. Some issues of the information will be discussed in this section, in addition, the differences between the people in organisations where formal access had been granted and the independent group identified through personal networking will be mentioned. Finally, the effect of the relationship between the author and the participants makes a difference on the qualitative research.

2.0 The analysis on the Ethnography case
2.1 The Connotation and Methods
2.2 The Influence of Personal Characteristics
2.3 Evidences of Student Resistance
3.0 The analysis on the Qualitative Interviews case
3.1 The Effect of the Qualitative Interviews
3.2 The Relationship between the Researched and Researcher
3.3 How the Identity Made a Difference to the Research

4.0 Conclusion
In conclusion, this essay talks about some issues of qualitative research through the analysis of two academic papers. We can find that there are many kinds of methods of qualitative research; the researchers can choose one of them to undertake the research or use the combine of them. As mentioned previous, the process of qualitative research is usually to get the inherent insight. Therefore, the data collection is also very significant. Although some problem will occur in the research, the method of qualitative research is still an effective method to analyze the people’s behavior and motivation in everyday life.


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