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论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2013-04-15编辑:hynh1021点击率:4623

论文字数:14800论文编号:org201304142016342934语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文



  Chapter 1 Introduction引言

  1.1 Background of the Research研究背景
  内容教学法(CBI)已在国外非常流行,如加拿大和美国,CBI模型已被应用在大规模的测试中。但是,在中国,它是一个相对较新的概念。所以这是对中国教育工作者从CBI研究国外教学非常好的借鉴Content-based instruction (CBI) has been very popular in foreign countries suchas Canada and America where CBI models have been applied and tested in large scale.However, in China, CBI is a relatively new concept introduced. So it is very valuablefor Chinese educators to draw lessons from foreign countries in CBI studies.Meanwhile, practical studies should also be carried out to adapt CBI to the localenvironment.https://www.51lunwen.org/shangwuyingyujiaoxue/  Two incentives stimulate the writer to conduct the research. One is to prove theeffectiveness of business English under CBI. The other is to explore possible ways tosolve problems in Chinese business English teaching through CBI.Compared with the traditional way, CBI is a more effective way for languageteaching. Since the foundation of CBI theory in the West in the 1960s, many empiricalresearches and experiments have proved the effectiveness of CBI in foreign languageteaching. In China, however, English is taught mostly by the traditional way. Teacherswould teach students grammar, vocabularies and etc. So most students in China wouldfind English learning boring and they would be lack of interest and motivation duringthe learning process. CBI integrates English learning with subject learning.Connecting language learning with practical application, it helps stir up students'interest in learning English and thus makes their learning more efficient.CBI not only enables students to improve their language proficiency, but alsohelps them master the subject knowledge. The language serves as the carrier forlearning the content. The students can get the subject knowledge while at the sametime acquiring the language. As most of the business theories are introduced from USand translated into Chinese from English, authentic textbooks will help students to getthe original materials and thus appreciate the full significance of the content. Astranslation will take time, the learning of English versions will also enable students to get access to the latest developments in the business field.However, there are many difficulties when implementing CBI in businessEnglish in China. Many people even doubt the feasibility of applying CBI in businessEnglish in China for reasons such as lack of qualified teachers and students’ poorEnglish level. Besides, there are varied teaching contexts in different places of China.Therefore, it becomes an urgent need to find suitable CBI models for business Englishteaching to satisfy local students’ needs and achieve fruitfulness.

  1.2 Significance of the Research研究意义
  With the accelerating globalization of international economy and China’sentering into WTO, interdisciplinary talents who not only are good at business butalso master English language are in great demand. However, the current educationprovided in China is not very successful in training talents of this kind. Under mostcircumstances, business and English are taught separately. Business teachers teachbusiness in Chinese, and English teachers focus on teaching students languageknowledge, including grammar, sentence structures, vocabularies and so on.Business English courses under CBI might be a solution to this problem. CBIintegrates English teaching with business teaching. With this teaching method,busines论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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