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文化适应对社会和心理健康服务的影响 [2]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:作业 Assignment登出时间:2017-11-13编辑:cinq点击率:7894

论文字数:2000论文编号:org201711131501351933语种:英语 English地区:英国价格:免费论文

关键词:社会学Social Studiesassignment范文

摘要:本文是留学生Social Studies Assignment范文,主要内容是通过分析文化适应的影响是什么,从而进一步分析其如何抑制墨西哥裔美国人的社会和心理健康服务的使用。

987) because services were focused on the needs of the upper and middle-class European Americans (Griner & Smith, 2006; Hall, 2001; Richardson & Molinaro, 1996; Ponterotto & Casas, 1991; Trusty, Davis, & Looby, 2002). Clients of color are sometimes mistrustful of mental health services due to historic racial disparities and a shortage of therapists from their own ethnic background who speak the same native language (Flaskerud & Hu, 1994, Marger, 2002; Sue, 1988; Sue & Zane, 1987).

A diverse group of national origins is represented by Latinos living in the United States Ramos & Wright, 2010),with most of the group being of Mexican origin (Ramos & Wright, 2010; Furman, Negi, Iwamoto, Rowan, Shukraft, & Gragg, 2009). 'Migration from Mexico to the United States has been cited as one of the largest mass movements of people in the world '(Furman et al. 2009; Escobar-Latapí, 1999). In late old age, about one-half of Hispanics of Mexican ancestry lives with family in the Southwestern United States and twice as likely as those living alone or with spouse to report more financial strain and receive assistance from children (Espinoza, Jung, & Hazuda, 2012). The modern Mexican-American family consists of grandparents, parents, children, and extended family members stage in life are appreciated because of their wisdom and cherished life-long experiences (Ramos & Wright, 2010). Great value is placed on old age and those who have reached these common characteristics of Mexican-Americans includes the incorporation of friends and extended family (collectivism) with a high level of obligation and responsibility to the members (familism) while putting emphasis on male leadership roles (machismo) and female subordination (Marianismo) (Pedrotti & Edwards, 2014). Mexican Americans are more likely than non-Hispanics to rely on family for their long-term care needs (Angel, Prickett, & Angel, 2014; Glick, 1999; Angel et al. 2004).  Immigrants and especially those who migrate to the U.S. later in life are particularly dependent on their families (VanHook & Glick,2007; Angel, et al., 1999).  Research suggests Mexican-American want to live closer to kin and place a higher value on the provision of support among family members (Sarkisian, Gerena, & Gerstel, 2007; Burr & Mutchler, 1999; Keefe & Padilla, 1987; Mindel, 1980). Hispanic elders are less likely to live alone and more likely to live with other family members, particularly in a multigenerational family where an adult child is the householder (Talamantes, Lindeman., & Mouton, 2005). While a family may want to care for their aging parents, the care that they may need as they age may create a substantial burden on family (Angel, Prickett & Angel, 2014).

Recent research suggests that intergenerational relations (Umberson, 2002) are becoming increasingly important to Mexican - Americans (Swartz, 2009). Mexicans enjoy the intergenerational progress between first-generation immigrants and their second-generation children (Duncan & Trejo, 2011). Relative to their parents, the U.S.-born second generation experiences dramatic increases in English proficiency, educational attainment, and earnings and prefer to speak English rather than Spanish, and by the third generation most Mexican Americans no longer speak Spanish at all. (Duncan & Trejo, 2011).

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