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美国留学生媒体管理论文代写:The Frightening Entertainment in Modern Horror Films

论文作者:代写留学生论文论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2011-05-16编辑:zn1987点击率:5516

论文字数:4250论文编号:org201105161344557940语种:英语 English地区:美国价格:$ 66

关键词:MediaHorror movie

The Frightening Entertainment in Modern Horror Films

As the advent of new technology, filmmakers are bringing uglier and more violent scenes 代写留学生论文to the modern horror films. However, graphic violence has not always been so central to horror films. In order to explain this evolution, we have to understand the nature of horror films. In horror films, horror narrative works with graphic violence to induce frightening entertainment, audiences enjoy horror films because the disgust and violence can draw their sensational involvements. On the one hand, the audiences fascinate the suffering of the victim; on the other hand, they prefer her or his bodily ruination. Thus, it seems reasonable to hypothesize that the major source of sensation seeking with respect to the horror films is more related to graphic violence than horror narrative. However, horror films depend fundamentally upon the audiences’ responds to cultural relevance which contributes by horror narrative. If we can deduce that audiences actually can be frightened by something without cultural relevance, then we can explain why horror narrative became less important, and graphic violence occupies the center stage in modern horror films. In this essay, I am trying to answer two questions. Why audiences want to be frightened? And how can audiences be frightened by what they know do not exist? Therefore, my research is to demonstrate that: graphic violence is important to generate sensational involvement; the unreality offered by graphic violence can enhance the frightening entertainment of horror films. Because of these two reasons, the graphic violence in modern horror films will continue to expand.

At first, frightening entertainment in horror films is based on the cooperation between horror narrative and graphic violence. Audiences spend two hours sitting in the dark cinema for the frightening entertainment of horror films, these films have unanticipated narratives and scary scenes that recreate the environment of sheer fright. After audiences walk out the cinema, ask them about the horror, almost invariably, they will tell you the story. This doesn’t mean that audiences are unaware of the significance of cinematography. Rather, narrative is the primary channel through which frightening experience is filtered.

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