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绿色可持续的供应链 [3]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:课程作业 Coursework登出时间:2016-01-21编辑:zhaotianyun点击率:14179

论文字数:2163论文编号:org201601171909288487语种:英语 English地区:美国价格:免费论文

关键词:supply chain可持续发展供应链


ul by-products, reduce of obsolescence, decrease the spent on scrap and resources spent on complying its regulatory issues.

Another key issue that sustainable companies are focusing on is the logistics and transportation of the product. A simple action such as filling the trucks as full as possible can represent significant savings; Dell has increased its average truck load and worked with UPS to optimize delivery strategies.

Multinational company 3M has developed an innovative system to install adjustable decks in trucks.?  By placing pallets on two levels they were able to reduce the number of daily truckloads by 40% and save around $110 k per year.

Sustainability can be profitable. Improvements in transportation efficiency, operations, raw material selection and packaging are all in the top of the list of green sustainable supply chain initiatives.

3.可持续发展作为一个竞争优势——Sustainability as a competitive advantage

Greener supply chain management practices represent a competitive advantage thanks to the increasing customer awareness and regulatory norms. Across industries, there is also a shift in the focus of GSCM programs from compliance to creating value for customers and shareholders.

The implementation of Green Supply Chain initiatives has evolved from strictly a compliance issue into a means of generating value.

The following table shows how to create value out of traditional cost compliance, including environmental, safety and health business contributions.

More and more companies are using sustainability as a competitive advantage to grow market share within their industry. A green supply chain usually pushes the organization towards an improvement of their products, processes, quality and productivity. It can also be considered as an enabler for innovative decisions and brand differentiation improvement.

GE now has an Ecomagination program focused on growing their revenue stream from environmentally friendly products to around 20 billion dollars by 2011. They recognized the opportunity associated with saving the environment.?  Nowadays many companies are offering customers environmentally produced power and charging a premium for that offering.

The green initiatives also help a company to maintain and enlarge their customer portfolio. Environmental concern and social responsibility are now considered as an important part of a succesful business strategy.

All competitors are under same market force to change their direction and priority towards a more green initiative, therefore, efforts and investments on this area are becoming more and more important. In addition, more countries will enforce importers to import green products to their nations with tax incentives and this will trigger the chances to do global business.

In the same direction, new product development should not be only the responsibility of product design and engineering department; it should also include the fully team-work among marketing, engineering, procurement, logistics and materials operations in order to find the best solutions, like how to ship the products effectively, how to ensure that processes will not generate hazardous wastes and emissions to the environment, what green components can be purchased, what is the optimal packaging size an论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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