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论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2013-01-15编辑:hynh1021点击率:7033

论文字数:16900论文编号:org201301131455584363语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66




     Chapter One Introduction引言

  本章介绍了本研究的论文从以下几个方面:背景,研究的目的和意义的研究,并组织论文。This chapter introduces the present study and the thesis from the followingperspectives: the background of the research, the purpose and significance of theresearch, and the organization of the thesis.

  1.1 Background of the Thesis研究背景
  College English course is one of the essential courses required for the universitystudents, which is an English language course for non-English majors in China. It hasbeen playing an increasingly significant role in training students to become qualifiedgraduates in China. In the modem society, college graduates are expected to have ahigher English proficiency. Therefore, College English Teaching has attracted muchattention both at home and abroad.Writing, the activity or occupation of writing, as an academic subject, is deeplyrooted in classic Aristotelian rhetoric. https://www.51lunwen.org/guidelines/ Focusing on invention, arrangement, style,memory and delivery, Aristotelian rhetoric was intended for the very well educated(usually male) individual. It "dominated course work in American colleges during the18th century and was modeled after the curriculum already taught in Englishuniversities" (Langer & Allington, 1992,p. 688).Current research in composing (Flower & Hayes, 1981) shows that writing is anextremely complex intellectual-linguistic process. This process involves the recursiveapplication of a wide range of thinking skills and language abilities. We discover newideas and new ways of conveying and organizing them through writing. Vivian Zameltalks about writing as "a process through which meaning if created"(Zamel, 1987).When students are writing, they need to think about the purpose for which theyare writing and the knowledge, interests, and abilities of the people they are writingfor. So the students also need to learn the styles and formats for all kinds of writingpurposes, and the lexical and grammatical terms related to those purposes as well.Raime (1983) points out that “a student who is given the time for the process to work,along with the appropriate feedback from readers such as the teacher or other students,will discover new ideas, new sentences, and new words as he plans, writes a first draft,and revises what he has written for a second draft.,,The writing skill, as an integral part of language learning, is required forundergraduate students. As a required linguistic skill, College English writing has itsown component knowledge, learning and communicating strategies. The teaching aimof College English writing is to develop students' communicative ability in English,enable them to develop effective capacity in their future work and social interactions.In addition,they will be able to enhance their ability to study independently andimprove their cultural quality so as to meet the needs of Chinese social developmentand international exchanges.According to The Teaching Syllabus,the basic writing requirement for collegestudents with non-English major is that students should be able to: express personalviews freely on general topics, compose English abstracts in their own specialization,and write short English papers on topics of their specialty; write in English atopic-assigned composition wit论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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