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名师预测5月19日雅思考试口语题 [4]

论文作者:英语论文网论文属性:考试题 Examination登出时间:2012-05-15编辑:qiuqin点击率:8602

论文字数:9424论文编号:org201205150947539259语种:中文 Chinese地区:中国价格:免费论文



  when you wrote it

  what you wrote

  and explain why you wanted to write to this person or

  and explain why you wrote that letter.

  3.Part 2 Describe a positive change that you have made to your life.

  You should say:

  what the change was

  when it happened

  where it happened

  and explain how you have benefited from this change

  4.Part 2 Descrribe the oldest person you know

  Who he or she is?

  How you got to know him or her?

  What is/are his /her/their present situation?

  What is your feelings towards him/her/them?

  Describe an old person

  Part 3 How often do you invite the old person?

  what's the role of old person in the family?

  how children treat with old person?

  Describe an old person who you like to talk to.

  You should say:

  who this person is

  how you know them what you usually talk about

  and explain why you like to talk to him or her.

  5. Part 2 Describe a historical building/an interesting old(traditioanl) building in your country?

  Where is it located?

  What is it used for?

  Explain why you think it is the most interesting?

  Part 3 What are people's attitudes to old building today and that of our later generation? Should we protect them? Why?

  What role do you think the old and modern buildings play in the society?

  Should old buildings be dismantled/removed?

  6.Part 2 Describe an occasion others congratulate you

  part3 How do people in China congratulate each other?

  7.part2 Describe an experience you receive money as gift(eg money given by parents)

  who gave you the money?Why did he/she give the money? How did you spend the money?

  part3 What are the different attitudes towards money between adults and chidren? Are happiness related to money?why?



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