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全球化对女性社会经济地位影响的分析 [4]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:学术文章 Scholarship Essay登出时间:2015-07-29编辑:Cinderella点击率:9326

论文字数:2717论文编号:org201507261622478406语种:英语 English地区:加拿大价格:免费论文



re associated with the origins of the concept o cultured.

Feminism, believe to an offshort of the globalizing modernity; engendered by 'western' cultural inclination has been impacting the state of womanhood in Nigeria. It focuses on the liberation of the womenfolk from all patriarchy-propelled tendencies, which had hitherto hindered women's socio-economic participation. To a considerable extent, Nigeria women are now more economically and socially emancipated. In Nigeria of today, it is glaring that issues such as gender stereotyping and pervasive sexism are quickly paving way for more impactful women socio-economic participation courtesy of the platforms offered by thee ensuing process of globalization.

Conceptual framework for the Study

In order to determine the specific impact(s) of the globalization culture on women's socio-economic empowerment in Nigeria, it is imperative to have a concise of the concept and to depict a framework that links women's socio-economic empowerment to improvements changes brought by the prevalent globalizing culture and identifies determinants of such changes. Women's empowerment is basically the enhancement of the asset base and functionalities of the womenfolk to engage in and influence decisions or actions to shape their existence. Advancing from this general definition that laid insistence on institutions and interaction between women and men, fig. 1 below explicates a conceptual analysis that is useful in understanding such tangible determinants that engender women's efforts to improve their socio-economic status, in this era of globalization and also impact attainment of overall human development in Nigeria.

The unilateral 'super-empowering axis' is defined by vagaries of the 'globalizing culture', that is, factors facilitating enhanced level of self-consciousness. The empowerment determinants are defined by broader institution/social, political and economic context of formal and informal rules and norms within which women pursue their interests and their capacity to take purposeful action. While the 'super-empowering axis' provides the necessary platform for adequate functioning of the identified determinants, related determinants functionally impact each other and collectively they have effects on women's emancipation.

Two components of the conceptual framework call for emphasis. First socio-economic change is basically and interactive issue, emanating from exchange across gender categories. This takes place through rules, regulations, right and privilege, as well as, the norms, behaviors and processes governing the interactions between women and men within Nigerian society. Second, women's empowerment courtesy of the 'globalizing culture' requires both top-down changes in institutions and organizational processes and bottom-up changes in women's organization and networks and their individual assets.

To broaden our understanding of this conceptual framework, an enhanced depiction of its specificities has become expedient. However, for the 'globalizing culture' to really improve on socio-economic conditions of the womenfolk, tangible changes among the distinct empowerment determinants are deemed necessary. This will entail the formal and informal institutional/social impediments that prevent women from taking effective action to enhance their socio-economic well-being, indi论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。
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