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论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2016-12-08编辑:lgg点击率:4887

论文字数:37851论文编号:org201612041828147083语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66


摘要:本文是英语语法论文,笔者以 Krashen 的输入假说理论,Schmidt 的注意假说和接口理论为理论依据,采用了实验和调查相结合的研究方法,探讨了二者相结合的教学方式的有效性。

Chapter I Introduction

According to the current situation that the students in junior high school havelow scores in English grammar, and they don’t have much interest, good habits andconfidence in English grammar, the current study aims to check the effects of theintegration of explicit and implicit instruction, which provides empirical evidencesand enlighten the importance of this field.

1 Background of the Study
As an important part of English instruction-explicit instruction and implicitinstruction, which instruction should be adopted in junior high school has been acontroversial issue for a long time. These two grammar instructions are not mutuallyindependent or exclusive, but they are complementary and promote each other. In theexplicit instruction process, English teachers explain grammatical rules, and studentsare given more opportunities to learn language forms and some grammatical ruleswhile the teacher will always ignore practicing of the grammar in real contexts.Explicit instruction is represented by the traditional instruction, which is also calledgrammar-translation method. English teachers always pay much attention on forms,but not the fluency of language. English teachers always teach grammatical rules andthe forms, but not use the context which the grammatical rules use. What’s more,students will take many notes and do many exercises about multiple choices guidedby their English teachers. Although students will have known language forms andsentence structures very much, they also have a difficulty in expressing themselves inEnglish fluently in the context. Meanwhile, students will find they are bored about thegrammar class and they do not have much interest in the class. However, in theimplicit instruction process, students have a better chance to listen, read and speak, sothey can conclude and practice English knowledge in the real communicativeactivities, while the teacher will always ignore the forms and rules of the grammar.What’s more, on the junior students’ English grammar class, teachers usually payattention to the explicit instruction or the implicit instruction only. 

2 Purpose of the Study
In recent years, whether grammar should be taught by explicit instruction or byimplicit instruction has been a disputable issue in English teaching for a long time.English teachers find that English grammar instruction in junior high school shouldnot only focus on form and meaning, but also pay much attention to find a better wayto get the usage of grammar in real contexts. Due to the current unsatisfied result ofstudents’ scores in English grammar, there are plenty of studies conducted to findwhich instruction in English grammar classes is more effective to improve thestudents’ scores in English grammar. What’s more, because of the low scores instudents’ English grammar, students have less and less interest and confidence inEnglish grammar, and they don’t have a good learning habit, either. So whichinstruction the English teacher adopt can help the students in learning interests, goodlearning habits and confidence, that is also a question to the English grammarinstruction. According to the theory of Krashen’s acquisition-learning hypothesis,Schmidt’s noticing hypothesis and the interface position, this study mainly focuses onthe ways of the integration the explicit instruction and implicit instruction together inEnglish grammar classes of jun论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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