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论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2016-08-11编辑:lgg点击率:5455

论文字数:37242论文编号:org201608081648092275语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66

关键词:英语语法论文“X 得不能再 X”等级谓词非等级谓词

摘要:本文是英语语法论文,本文在 Kennedy(2007b)对等级形容词原级句型分析的基础之上,对“X 得不能再 X”结构进行形式化分析,认为该结构涉及双重比较。第一个比较发生在“X”与比较标准之间,第二个比较发生在“X”和“再 X”之间。

Chapter One   Introduction  

This  chapter  is  a  brief  overview  of  the  study  including  the  motivation  and  the objectives of the study as well as the significances of the study. Moreover, the layout of the whole thesis will be sketched at the end of the chapter.  

1.1   Motivation of the Study 
Professor Chen Liping’s insight on “X+ yi M+ bi + yi M+ VP” and “yuè…yuè” comparative structure inspired me to explore on degree constructions.  Yin  Runxiang  (1987)  makes  a  relatively  comprehensive  description  of  degree constructions  in  Chinese.  Among  those  constructions,  I  found  the  degree  construction “X  de  bu  neng  zai  X”  particular  interesting.  After  seeking  the  papers  about  “X  de  bu neng zai X” structure, I was aware that the analyses of the meaning of the structure are rather few, and most of them are descriptive. Lǚ  Shuxiang  (1980)  points  out  this  structure  expresses  “X  has  reached  its maximum”  which  is  accepted  by  most  scholars.  However,  there  are  some  questions about  the  meaning  of  the  structure.  (1)  Whether  other  parts  of  speech  of  “X”  also  can enter the structure besides adjectives and verbs. (2) What is the maximum, and is there a  standard  to  measure  with?  (3)  If  there  are  other  parts  of  speech  of  “X”  fitting  in  the structure, are they sharing the same meaning? (4) As for verbs in the structure, example (2)  and  example  (3)  below  make  sense  in  our  daily  conversation,  but  why  are  we  not permitted  to  say  “发现得不能再发现”  ?  What  the  differences  between  them?  All  of these questions motivate me to study further. 

1.2   Objectives of the Study 
This thesis will focus on the meanings of “X de bu neng zai X” structure with two goals.  Firstly,  I  will  analyze  the  structure  according  to  the  parts  of  speech  of  “X”  in order to find out potential factors influencing the meaning of structure. Secondly, I will analyze  the  structure  based  on  theories  of  Formal  Semantics  to  precisely  represent  the meanings of structure with symbols and logics. 

Chapter Two   Literature Review 

2.1   Introduction  
“X de bu neng zai X ” structure is a fixed construction which is used frequently in Chinese.  Scholars  has  noticed  and  started  to  research  about  this  structure  since  1980. They  analyzed  the  structure  from  different perspectives  such  as  Cognitive &nb论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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