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On the Combination of Recitation and Communication in English Speaking [5]

论文作者:邓佳蓉论文属性:短文 essay登出时间:2009-04-03编辑:刘宝玲点击率:22455

论文字数:5000论文编号:org200904031348378632语种:中文 Chinese地区:中国价格:免费论文


chosen. There are at least three standards for choosing speaking materials. 3.3.1. Clear objective and classification It can be classified on various grounds, such as (i) On the grounds of content: business, travel, life, etc (ii) On the grounds of function: greetings, apology, congratulations, etc (iii) On the grounds of way of presentation: phrases, sentences, dialogues and passages, etc No matter what kinds of books you are going to recite, classification is always one of the important criteria for option. It reminds you how you should use corresponding ways of expressions to suit the situations and what kind of attitude you should possess toward those materials. 3.3.2. Practicality It should be graded in difficulty, so that it can suit students of every level as possible. And its choice should be commonly used in daily life. Make sure it serves as a bridge between you and native speakers rather than as a barrier. A teacher once said:" I carefully applied some phrases from a book in my communication with foreigner. Unfortunately, he did not catch me at all." That illustrates the importance of materials being pragmatic. "Cherry-Picked English" by Anderson on the bookshelf is a fine example of it. His rule is that those which are not the most commonly used were by all means excluded in the book. 3.3.3. Design The goal of speaking is to know how to use the language in communication in appropriate ways. Different designs determine different effects. If a useful expression is only presented in one sentence, no further explanation, no background introduction, no any extensions, this couldn't be a proper learning material, even though the pick-ups are good. One characteristic is that one English word has a couple of meanings, and even one meaning can imply dramatically opposite things. So the chosen materials should show the usages of words in different forms and lay bare explanations of meanings, usages and cultural implications. Only in this way can students get a real sense of what they have read. The more it is equipped with some exercise to reinforce the just learned, the better it is for students' memorization and application. Students can benefit from those add-ons so as to produce similar sentences. Learners gain the general principles and fundamentals in the learning process. The better the learners master the knowledge, the more possible the knowledge can be transferred into something new in other situations. Again, take Cherry-Picked for an example, the book is divided into four parts in every unit. The first one is a fresh dialogue on the basis of topic. Within it are the actual usages of phrases for learners to feel the authentic language. The second one is the clear explanation of all phrases involved in the dialogue. The third one is selecting the useful sentence patterns and providing different kinds of sayings. The final one is some gap-fillings to test the result of your learning. This design familiarizes learners with phrases, sentences and usages. So it is easy to absorb. 3.4 Problems of oral teaching and learning 3.4.1 Problems of pure recitation without ability of communication As students finished reciting, they are already possessed with the prospective of blurting English out without conscious translation in mind. But this is only the first step. Many of them read constantly until they can recite it as if it were their own immediate thought, so many of them thought it conclusive. Actually this is f论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。
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