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风险管理方面Essay写作 Aspects of risk managment Essay

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:短文 essay登出时间:2017-01-04编辑:cinq点击率:4017

论文字数:2000论文编号:org201701041637041136语种:英语 English地区:美国价格:免费论文

关键词:风险管理Essay写作risk managment



Risk management involves an individual who will handles or manage delicate situation in an organization which involves the staffs, clients and even the facility and able to solve it. A purpose means significance or importance therefore a risk manager is a must in a firm and be able to have the power or authority in all areas specifically the function of each areas and coordinates with them so that stability will be imposed within.

There are five purposes of a Risk management First, to identify a possible risk involves the question what could be the risk? This means that in risk management there should be awareness of something bad or unpleasant things might happen and able to identify what are those. The safety and security, quality control and budget also involves in a firm must also be distinguished. Second, is to reduce or allocate risk involves the question how can it be minimize? This means a risk manager should be prepared to give answer or have a solution that will arise and that has a plan on how it will be minimize or lessen the risk. Third, Guided decision making this involves set of action or goals of solution to be applied to answer a problem but be sure to take the advantage and disadvantages of each or the pros and cons as well so you will determine what must be applied in the firm. Fourth, provide logical grounds for planning means have an evaluation to plan things that are rational, and be sure that all are abiding the rules and regulation. Objectives of the firm should be considered. An example if there is proposal given review all the cause and effect of it then choose the best. Lastly, prioritization means to know very first things to be done or the most important one to be solved. An example in a situation that requires more attention like there’s a patient with a very high fever with bruises and severe migraine and so the high fever must have first remedy in place to avoid convulsion. In addition, have a list of all the weakness and strengths of the enterprise.

In a nut shell, a risk manager must be prepared at all times in possible risk that may encounter in the firm with a great idea of solution and so communication within the firm should be done to have less opportunity of mistakes in the future. All levels of structures must functions well within an enterprise as well.

A benefit means a good or boost result of something done. In all aspect of organization a benefit of risk management will bring asset to the company and may become the edge among the group. In order to earn it, a passion and dedication in the assigned task must be fulfilled.

In risk management there are the following benefits first, supports strategic business planning; a risk manager can bravely endures response in organized manner especially in emergency situation furthermore, resourcefulness and time- management is included. Also, present all perspective strengths and weaknesses of the company and then have the possible answers through modification. 论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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