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essay范文-马来妇女和八局kurung(Malay woman and the baju kurung)

论文作者:代写essay论文属性:短文 essay登出时间:2012-07-23编辑:bloger点击率:6279

论文字数:5874论文编号:org201207231111162429语种:英语 English地区:马来西亚价格:免费论文

关键词:essay范文马来妇女八局kurungMalay woman and the baju kurung

摘要:八局kurung,一个区域的衣服马来女性穿着的一种,包括八局和kurung。在马来语中,八局意味着衣服和衬衫; kurung手段监禁,监禁。八局是一种燕尾服,其袖长是手腕,; kurung是裙子的那种,这是脚踝的长度。此外,具有200年悠久历史的八局kurung苏丹阿布·巴巴尔在1800年瞄准创造八局kurung,他考虑的两个主要因素:符合他们的宗教规则和美观。

  导读:八局kurung,一个区域的衣服马来女性穿着的一种,包括八局和kurung。在马来语中,八局意味着衣服和衬衫; kurung手段监禁,监禁。八局是一种燕尾服,其袖长是手腕,; kurung是裙子的那种,这是脚踝的长度。此外,具有200年悠久历史的八局kurung苏丹阿布·巴巴尔在1800年瞄准创造八局kurung,他考虑的两个主要因素:符合他们的宗教规则和美观。虽然与现代的衣服相比,八局kurung可能看起来保守。然而,许多马来妇女仍然喜欢八局kurung。本论文由英语论文网英语论文写作(留学生论文)频道代写essay栏目整理推荐。


         The baju kurung, a kind of regional clothes for Malay female, includes baju and kurung. In Malay language, baju means clothes and shirts; kurung means confinement, imprison. Baju is a kind of frock coat, whose sleeve length is to the wrist; kurung is a kind of skirt, which is of the ankle length. Additionally, with a 200-year-long history, the baju kurung was invented by Sultan Abu Babar, who is the father of Modern Johor. In 1800s, when aiming at creating the baju kurung, he considered two main factors: conforming to the rules of their religion and being aesthetically pleasing. As the time goes by, the baju kurung has developed into three main kinds of styles. The original style is the Taditional Baju kurung. The hemline comes below the knees. Another style is the Baju Kurung Kedah. It is similar to the traditional one, but its kurung is cut shorter in the hem so that it is below the waistline. The last style is the Baju Kurung Moden. It is the modern pattern for women. There are many differences between the modern cut and the traditional cut, for example, the collars in the modern one is commonly accessorized with some sumptuous buttons, while the tradition one seldom has this kind of decoration. Since Malaysia is an Islam country, Islam requires that a woman's clothes should cover the whole body except hands and face. Consequently, compared with modern clothes, the baju kurung may look conservative. However, many Malay women still prefer the baju kurung.


 As Malaysia is an Islam country, the baju kurung not only meets the requirement of the religion, but also shows the unique culture of Malaysia. To conform to religion duty is one of the reasons why Malay women wear the baju kurung. Islam, with a more than 1300 years long history, has a great influence on the Muslim and a stringent requirement about women's clothes. As Koran, the holy book of the Islam, says, "Prophet, tell your wives and daughters, and the women of the faithful, to draw their wraps a little over their faces. They will thus be recognized and no harm will come to them. God is forgiving and kind" (Koran, chapter33, verse59). Furthermore, "The clothes for the Muslim women should not be so glamorous that it can attract the attention of men"(Asma and Paul, 2003, pg189). Meanwhile, an attire of the baju kurung with a sleeve-length frock coat and a long blouse, covering the whole body of a woman, loose enough and not revealing the figure, just fits the requirement. As a fact, 64.3% of Malay women pointed out they wore the baju kurung because of their religion. Besides, as a unique part of Malay culture, wearing the baju kurung among Malay women has been considered as a common way to show their cultural identity. As one Malay woman said, "Not only Malay women, but also many Malaysia-Chinese girls enjoy wearing the baju kurung to present that they are in Malaysia," which indicates that they are really proud of their culture.


 (英语论文网https://www.51lunwen.org/)What's more, with the development of Malay culture, the baju k论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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