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论旅游英语的特征On Distinctive Features of Tourism English [7]

论文作者:佚名论文属性:短文 essay登出时间:2009-04-12编辑:刘宝玲点击率:37457

论文字数:26000论文编号:org200904121506433978语种:中文 Chinese地区:中国价格:免费论文

关键词:Tourism EnglishFunctionFeaturesCulture旅游英语语言功能语言特点文化

s, such as scientific English or legal English, tourism English tends to use the active voice instead of the passive. Generally speaking, the passive voice is objective and is used to express the object concerned, which can make the meaning of the text clearer and more concise and avoid confusing, but it is rather cold and has little to do with human emotions. Whereas, the active voice is more subjective and flexible in communication, and can easily express the speakers or writers’ feelings. Since tourism English is often used for the function of directive or evocative. As explained above, the active voice is preferable than the passive. For example, Today's Beijing is not only famous for its long history, but also for its rapid economic and social development. Tian'anmen Square, the Forbidden City, Jingshan Mountain and Beihai Park situated in its center symbolize a profound traditional culture, whereas modern skyscrapers represent the openness and fast tempo of the modem lifestyle. Visitors to Beijing should learn about its past and Thesis Applying for Master Degree of WUT it’s present, so let's have a look at modem Beijing. The passage is used to introduce the modern beauty of Beijing besides its historic sites. The writer uses active voice throughout the whole paragraph to describe Beijing's scenery, which makes a vivid and delightful impression on tourists. 4. The Moods In tourism English, Imperative sentences are often used to give directions and orders sometimes, or express the speakers' feelings or wishes. For instance, Your passport, please? Please gather in the lobby at 2 this afternoon. Let's have a look at the Forbidden City at first. Enjoy you flight. Welcome to China. These imperative sentences are usually used by customs officers, flight attendants, clerks in hotel or tourist guides who take charge of providing services and operating the details of the tour for tourists. What is noticeable in such imperative sentences is the use of the word “please”, which shows the respect and politeness to the tourists from the employee in tourism industry. C. Courtesy Feature of Tourism English It is accepted that people should be polite when they are engaged in communication. This is rather true in tourism industry because setting up a good relationship between tourists and tourist’s organizations is of great importance for a successful tourism business. It is always preferable that everyone involved in the tour, either tourists or clerks in airplanes, hotels, restaurants and tourist spots, looks polite and shows their courtesy to others, which would be delightful for both sides and helpful for the whole tour. Generally speaking, there are three ways to express courtesy in tourism English. The first one is to use the word “please” to show the speakers' respect and politeness towards the listeners as mentioned in the last section. The second way is to use “thank ... for...” pattern to show the gratitude from the speakers. For example: (1) Bellhop: Is there anything else you need or that I can do for you? Tourist: No, thank you. You've been very helpful. (2) Security officer: Please empty you pockets into this tray and walk through the metal detector again. It's all right now. Thank you . Tourist: You are welcome. Thank you for your courtesy. The third way to express politeness is to often use interrogative sentences with modal verbs, such as can, could, may, might, would, etc. This way is indirect compared with the 论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。
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