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留学生代写站:Research Proposal:Research on the Constructing of the Multi-project Managing Platform in IT Enterprises

论文作者:留学生论文论文属性:建议书 proposal登出时间:2011-05-27编辑:anterran点击率:5293

论文字数:957论文编号:org201105271356086120语种:英语 English地区:英国价格:免费论文

关键词:Research Proposalthe Multi-project Managing PlatformIT Enterprises

Research Proposal1、 Title
Research on the Constructing of the Multi-project Managing Platform in IT Enterprises
2、Aims of research:
Major Aims include:
The increasing competing in market background of the IT industry has brought both challenges and opportunities to the development of the IT 留学生代写站enterprises. As a result, the problems, such as how to effectively manage multi-project, how to enhance the maturity of the management of the project, how to improve the ability of managing multi-project so as to promote industrial competitiveness, has become one of the most important issues the majority of the IT enterprises pay special attention to.
In this research project, the author will, at the very beginning, profoundly explore the problems of the IT enterprises’ organizing style, project managing office and the multi-project managing information system. Then a multi-project managing platform will be established so as to present some guidance and full theory for the establishment of the multi-project managing platform for IT enterprises to enhance its project managing abilities.
Research results include:
3.1. Improve and optimize the organizational style of the IT enterprises as well as construct the project managing office.
3.2. Build up a multi-project managing platform for the IT enterprise.
3.3. Establish perfect project managing information system(PMIS) and, what is more, make it to be the support of the platform.
3.4. Analysis on factors that affect the constructing of the multi-project managing platform. Approaches to realize the establishment of the multi-project managing platform in an IT enterprise.

4. Need of research
This research just needs some literatures as well as the Project Managing Information System(PMIS) to improve the project managing process and effectively manage multi-projects. So the researchers should ask for the officers’ permission to obtain some information useful to the research study.
The process of the research do need to obtain the permission of an IT enterprise for the research study to take place. Because the researchers to make a comparison with an IT enterprise so as to get some evidences that the newly-built multi-project managing platform is more advanced than the previous one in many aspects. As a result, the researchers should contact with the administrators of the IT enterprise so as to get some useful information on the condition that there is no damage to the development or the current situation of the enterprise.

5. Review of the literature

In terms of the constructing of the multi-project managing platform for IT enterprises, it is obvious that the newly-built structure of the platform is much more advanced than the previous one. It is necessary to analyze factors in such structure that affect  the construction of the multi-project managing platform and make further comparison with the past situation so as to emphasize the importance and effectiveness of the newly-built project managing platform.

6. Research strategy
In this paper, the author will establish the proper organizational style for the multi-project management, build up project managing office (PMO), so as to establish a multi-project managing information system(MPIS) for the IT enterprises and construct a multi-project managing platform for these enterprises. The research strategy is listed as follows:
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