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留学生代写站:留学生论文写作研究建议:Developing a Research Proposal

论文作者:留学生论文论文属性:建议书 proposal登出时间:2011-04-27编辑:anterran点击率:8925

论文字数:18601论文编号:org201104271120113891语种:英语 English地区:英国价格:免费论文

关键词:留学生代写站DevelopingResearch Proposal

School of the Built Environment,

Developing a research proposal

The purpose of a research Proposal is for the author to state their proposed area of research and to demonstrate that appropriate 留学生代写站consideration has been given to whether the research is achievable. A proposal takes the researcher through a series of steps and questions such that a robust and manageable statement of intent can be written. Typically a Research Proposal has a standard set of sections and although the length of proposals vary, this guide is written on the basis of 2,000 to 4,000 words. Note that text books will vary as to the recommended sections in a research proposal. The sections below are the minimum requirements for the submission of your research proposal, you may add further sections if this is appropriate, or if your supervisor requires an additional section. If a section a not relevant, then please still use the heading but write ‘not relevant’ – this saves the assessors trying to spot what is missing!

1. Working title

This is a ‘working’ title because it will be refined as the research is undertaken as rarely does research go exactly according to plan. A good working title is relatively short, simple such that the reader can easily understand it, and it provides an understanding of the breadth / scope of the study. Example working titles are:

• ‘the use of Access Statements in the UK planning process’;
• ‘is universal design just good design?’;
• ‘developing an access auditing tool / checklist for use in public parks’.

2. Aim of the research

The aim is always singular and is a statement of what it is you are seeking to achieve by undertaking this research. Hart (1998) refers to the aims as being ‘general statements of intent and direction of the research’. Note here that Hart sees aims as being plural, so there will always be contradictions with what you read about approaches to research. What is important is that you follow what feels right for you, always ensuring that you can justify why you have taken a particular approach. 

A good aim is fairly focussed such that you demonstrate that you have narrowed down the topic to something that is do-able and manageable. An example of an aim is:

• to investigate the impact that poorly designed buildings have on the lives of disabled people [example 1]

Note that Example 1 is fairly broad and to effectively assess the impact would probably take 5 years of assessing a considerable number of buildings and interviewing many people. A way to narrow and make more manageable would be to further define it, so possibly:

• to investigate the barriers that people face in accessing poorly designed buildings [example 2]
We’ve narrowed Example 2 to exclude looking at ‘impact on lives’ by focusing on ‘barriers’ rather than everything to do with a persons life;

• to investigate the barriers that wheelchair users face in accessing poorly designed buildings [example 3]

In Example 3 we’ve narrowed the focus of the ‘subject’ of the research;

• to investigate the barriers that wheelchair users face in accessing public library facilities [example 4]

In Example 4 we’ve narrowed the focus of the ‘subject’ and the focus of the ‘context’.

An alternative to writing the aim as a statement, is to consider the aim as a question or as a论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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