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布拉德福德大学留学生论文研究建议:Research Proposal:Research Skills for Economists

论文作者:留学生论文论文属性:建议书 proposal登出时间:2011-03-18编辑:anterran点击率:7533

论文字数:2017论文编号:org201103180918035424语种:英语 English地区:英国价格:免费论文

关键词:Research ProposalUniversity of BradfordResearch Skills for Economists

University of Bradford
Research Skills for Economists
Your Research Proposal should discuss the following areas and be structured using the
heading indicated:
· Area and context of research – identification of the chosen area of research anddiscussion of why is it important.
Research Proposal· Key literature – an overview and discussion of 3-4 important sources relating to yourresearch area (e.g. refereed journal articles, research-based books or chapters fromresearch–based books, government/NGO reports, etc.) which illustrate the
debate/issue of your topic. Do NOT use textbooks, magazines or internet sites. Makesure you show how their approach, findings or conclusions relate to your topic area;do not simply describe them.
· Research question or main hypotheses – what is the specific question you seek toanswer?
· Method and data to be used – what methods are appropriate to answering yourquestion/ hypotheses? What data will you use? Where is it from? How will youanalyze it?
· Proposed chapter structure – a logical listing of the chapter headings and briefdescription of likely contents to illustrate the organization of your dissertation.
Area and Context of Research
The proposed area of research for the program’s dissertation is international migration. Aspecific focus will be put on the case of Romania, an Eastern European country whichexperienced a unique migration trend after gaining democracy. The start of significant
migration issues in Romania is marked by the end of the communist period and intensifiedwith the entry into the Schengen space and later on in the European Union. The purpose ofthis research is to observe future trends in the international migration of the Romanian07016860
population. In order to make a judgment on this topic a closer look at the social,
macroeconomic and microeconomic indicators is necessary.
The research in this area is relevant because of the importance it has on Romania’s future. If
the factors that influence international migration could be identified, the government could
apply specific, policies stopping the phenomenon from happening, which will contribute to a
brighter future.
Key Literature
There is a vast literature on the topic of international migration which presents different
approaches to the issue. For the purpose of this assignment the following research papers
have been selected to point out some aspects of international migration.
· A Country Report on Romania Migration Abroad: Stocks and Flows After 1989
This report will provide all the migration history for the Romanian case. It presents the
concept of international migration as a social innovation which appeared after 1989. In
Romania’s case this date is of high significance because it marks the end of the communist
period and the start of democracy. Considering the politics existent while the communists
were in power, international migration was almost impossible and only few people who were
in power were allowed to experience contact with other societies.
It also presents the period after The World Wars up to 2003 in such a manner that it points
out all the significant periods of time for migration like:
Ø the internal migration from rural to urban areas which took place all the way through
the communist period.
Ø 1990 to 1992 is a period of heavy international migration out of Romania mainly of
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