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Philosophy Essay-¹íÊÇ˼ÏëµÄÒ»¸ö»Ã¾õÂ𣿠[5]

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ist with the use of insufficient methods and equipment that was not made for ghost hunting? Even Irwin states that, 'in no way is there any presumption here of the existence of the paranormal' even though 'many contemporary parapsychologists (a€|) actually regard parapsychology as the study of the paranormal'. (Irwin, 1999, pg 1) If someone who has spent most of his life studying the paranormal refuses to proclaim the existence of it, then how can we believe the many who claim without proof that a minor irregularity is something major such as the ghost of dead person?

Are there really such things as ghosts due to the fact that most of the apparitions seen are dead? According to Irwin, about '70% of recognized apparitions are of people whom the experient knew to be dead'. (Irwin, 1999, pg 247) He goes on to proclaim that the number of ghost an experient witnesses 'may vary with the age of the individual or more precisely, with the number of deceased persons the individual knew.' (Irwin, 1999, pg 247) Therefore, it assumed that the more dead people you know, the more likely you are able to see ghosts. Is it truly ghosts? Or is it the mind playing memories of actions you have seen the diseased performing in a certain place every time you pass by. For example, you see your dead grandmother planting flowers in the garden every time you walk by on a visit.

Most experients are likely to lie or jump to conclusions, therefore, we can presume that 'the operation of fraud (a€|) remain potential interpretations' (Irwin, 1999, pg 177) of such proclamations as the sightings of ghosts or other apparitions. It might even be a story used to increase the experient's reputation in order to make him/her more interesting. One of Irwin's students 'reported the experience of strolling along a deserted beach and feeling someone walking beside her'. (Irwin, 1999, pg 247) Most of humanity gets the same feeling while walking alone, especially in the dark, yet, usually, there is no one there and it is a trick of the mind. The student goes on to proclaim, that 'she did not see or hear anything to indicate there was something there' (Irwin, 1999, pg 247), yet, 'the sense of a presence was very strong and she felt very comfortable with it.' (Irwin, 1999, pg 247) Could it not have been a cool breeze that caused the student to feel comfortable and, assuming it was warm since she was on the beach, the breeze was strong due to the ocean's current? No, the student jumped to the conclusion that it was an apparition or spirit, but unfortunately, the student has no proof. Another experience is of 'one 'totally deaf' man described hearing the rustle of an apparitional figure's dress'. (Irwin, 1999, pg 247) Is it really true, or is it the yearning of the man to actually hear something, that his mind played tricks on him? Since most experients whom are able to witness many ghosts or apparitions have known many deceased, could it not be assumed that it is just the mind projecting an image of that we wish to see? A similar analogy would be that of a man trapped in a desert seeing a mirage of a lake. What we see, is simply what we wish to see and nothing more.

By analyzing the parapsychological and the paranormal, the survival theory, the situations in which ghosts usually appear and how most of those experiences are easily proven fakes, we have come to the conclusion that it is impossible for ghosts to truly exist unless evidence prove±¾ÂÛÎÄÓÉÓ¢ÓïÂÛÎÄÍøÌṩÕûÀí£¬ÌṩÂÛÎÄ´úд£¬Ó¢ÓïÂÛÎÄ´úд£¬´úдÂÛÎÄ£¬´úдӢÓïÂÛÎÄ£¬´úдÁôѧÉúÂÛÎÄ£¬´úдӢÎÄÂÛÎÄ£¬ÁôѧÉúÂÛÎÄ´úдÏà¹ØºËÐĹؼü´ÊËÑË÷¡£


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