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《老人与海》所体现的海明威的人生哲学 [2]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:短文 essay登出时间:2014-05-27编辑:lzm点击率:12268

论文字数:4338论文编号:org201405261618597361语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文

关键词:《老人与海》海明威人生哲学Hemingway’s Life PhilosophyThe Old Man and the Sea

摘要:The Old Man and the Sea is a song of praise about human sprit. Though the description of the sufferings Santiago endures and his courageous behavior in his fights with the marlin and the Sharks. Hemingway intends to tell us his philosophy of life: Though life is a lonely battle, it is a struggle that man should fight on with courageous and endurance.

ife. People were hopeless and helpless to face this. They became less certain about that might arise in this charging world and more cynical about accepted moral standards. They had feelings of fear, loss, and disillusionment.
In a word, they are lack of the hopeful attitude towards their nation and themselves. That is to say, in this period, America faces a deep spiritual crisis. Hemingway’s novel The Old Man and the Sea turned up under that social background. The positive philosophy of life reflected in the novel encouraged the American people to strive for their life to confront misery.
1.2    Influence of Hemingway’s life Experience on the novel
Ernest Hemingway was born in Oak Park, Illinois, in 1899. Just like many other famous writers in the world, Hemingway’s childhood has a great influence on his whole life. His father, Clarence E. Hemingway was a physician, fond of hunting and fishing, who took young Ernest with him on his trips. Therefore, these experiences not only made him love fishing and hunting, but also made him have the characters of bravery and adventure. From those experience, little Hemingway gradually realized that courage and still-will are very important for man when he was facing difficulties in life, for only these qualities can help him fight against the sufferings to reach his goal in the end.
After he was grown up, Hemingway took part in several wars, which were World Wars and Spanish Civil War. The war is cruel. Hence, the experiences of war influenced his life and philosophy of life so much that he could not forget the impact of these experiences. It was the passivity rather than the pain that remained a nightmare for Hemingway throughout his life. In 1922, he returned to Europe as a journalist and mixed in the literary circle in Paris led by Gertrude Stein. Under the influence of this society, he became a writer.
His living attitude of the past war generation, especially those who thought that life was nothing and meaningless; in this way, Hemingway became the spokesman of the “Lost Generation”. A Farewell to Arms was published in 1929, which got a critical and financial success and earned the plaudits of readers all over the world. To Hemingway, it was the key novel of his career, which reflected his experience in the First World War. He said that the war was just a nightmare. The war changed Hemingway’s attitude toward life and forced him to realize that man must fight against difficulties and possess strong will and endurance, which have become part of his philosophy of life.
Then, in 1944, Hemingway wrote Across the River and into the Trees, which met with much critical disapproval. In the following ten years, he did not write any novels. Critics said Hemingway’s talent was exhausted and could not write good novels anymore. However, Hemingway’s representative novel The Old Man and the Sea appeared in 1952. This novel won the Nobel Prize for literature. To the opinions of those critics who considered Hemingway could not wrote good novels, Hemingway gave them a strong counterattack by using this novel and proved that he was still active in the literary world.
II. Hemingway’s Philosophy of Life Reflected in the ‘Code Man”
   The Old Man and the Sea is Hemingway’s representative work, which made him won the Noble Prize for Literature in 1954. The work reflects Hemingway’s philosophy of life. Accordin论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。
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