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国外硕士英文毕业论文:Motivation In Multiple Business Entrepreneurship [7]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 dissertation登出时间:2015-05-25编辑:felicia点击率:36480

论文字数:15073论文编号:org201505042026249732语种:英语 English地区:英国价格:免费论文



neurs if they believe that multiple employment is more likely than single entrepreneurship to lead to valued outcomes.

The motivation to become a multiple entrepreneur is directed by the difference between the desirability of self employment and the desirability of self being employed elsewhere (Pete Astragal and Opals, 2005). An individual's willingness to accept a moderate, calculated risk, would be the best indicator of his/her propensity to engage in multiple entrepreneurship because not all aspiring entrepreneurs who consider themselves as effective, and who view entrepreneurship as a path to acquiring desirable outcomes intend to become multiple entrepreneurs. Therefore, to act on their perceptions of feasibility and net desirability, entrepreneurs must be willing to bear the moderate, calculated risk intrinsic to Multiple Entrepreneurship (Pete Astragal and Opals, 2005, pg 128).

Campbell (1992) is of the view that risk is a predictor to individuals' willingness to engage in Multiple Entrepreneurship, where their decisions between operating multiple ventures and operating a single venture are a rational three-part process, whereby;

Entrepreneurs compare the desirability of multiple ventures with the desirability to operate a single venture

Entrepreneurs assess whether or not they possess the requisite knowledge, abilities and skills for performing the activities and tasks vital to becoming a multiple entrepreneur.

Entrepreneurs determine their ability to willingly accept the Multiple Entrepreneurialism and the inherent risks associated with it

It becomes a point of intense motivation if the entrepreneurs accept the intrinsic risks of multiple entrepreneurships, where they act on those perceptions by forming intentions and venture goals necessary for success (Campbell, 1992). After putting all those motivational considerations into account, Campbell (1992) was able to put the view so as to represent a paradigm for process-oriented entrepreneurial motivation, which facilitated a convergence of frameworks on the motivational intentions to become a multiple entrepreneur. Thus three variables were put to the study in deriving at a conclusive hypothesis i.e.

There is a positive link between an individual's entrepreneurial self efficacy and his or her intentions to become a multiple entrepreneur

There is a positive link between an individual's tolerance for risk and his or her intention to become a multiple entrepreneur

There is a positive link between an individual's net desirability for entrepreneurship and his or her intention to become a multiple entrepreneur.

Finally, there is a positive connection between an individual's net desirability for entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial self efficacy and tolerance for risk and his or her intention to become a multiple entrepreneur.

The personal Drive also acts as a motivation for an individual to run a multi ventured business (Locke and Latham, 1990). This refers to the willingness to put 论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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