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公司社会责任活动 [3]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:作业 Assignment登出时间:2015-12-15编辑:zhaotianyun点击率:7957

论文字数:1589论文编号:org201512131502438859语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文



efore gasoline consumption will not be a as major factor in CO2 emissions as it would be the vehicle way of maintenance and long term operation, and while only about a 20% is produced during the actual driving process.

In 2007 Toyota has launched a new improved SUV vehicle called “the Highlander” which is a new improved version of its predecessor, the vehicle manufacturing processes reflects Toyota's commitment to innovation and new advanced technological processes put to work, according to press reports, “The 2008 Highlander is significantly larger, roomier and more powerful than the vehicle it replaces. Yet its fuel efficiency will be virtually unchanged.” It is no secret that this model of the Highlander is amid the company's most commercially viable products.

“Toyota in the World Databook 2008” lists three environmentally friendly SUVs as a reflection of their efforts to reduce their footprint. These newer models have been integrated with the latest technologies in regards to manufacturing processes, emissions and petrol consumption. (Noorbakhsh, S. 2008). The production of new vehicles of this sort can only aid Toyota in maintaining its image as a leader of environmentally friendly products further assisted by their active PR campaigns placing sustainable efforts at the core of their social contribution.


In comparison BP and Toyota Motor Corporation CSR activities have began with single ideas aimed at understanding their core internal systems and processes involving their activities and manufacturing processes and they developed and implemented their own CSR programmes.

Their ultimate objective is to provide practical guidance for stakeholders on how to act as responsible companies.

BP and Toyota are large multinational companies with good structures in place towards CSR activities their CSR strategies are well developed and in the mature stage of their existence and are meant to maximise the potential benefits to all stakeholders. Therefore, these strategies are likely to help prevent operational risks associated with CSR issues.

As large trans-national operating businesses Toyota and BP have both given careful consideration to national cultures where they operate and incorporated that in the development of their respective CSR strategies, these well planned efforts are expected to result in a more effective appraisal of their global operations and identify new CSR issues as well as address them.. It will also improve the ability of the organizations as BP and Toyota to monitor, measure and report on its performance.

Toyota's main business operations represent the majority of its share of greenhouse gas emissions, they do that via their production processes, logistics, facilities maintenance and overall use of energy in their commercial activities. Toyota's management have set firm targets hoping that the company will become emissions free in the very foreseeable future setting its zero emissions target.

They believe that organizational changes and a combining of clear and bold objectives within their organizational culture and identity will help them achieve this task while other companies will consider it impossible within our life times.

The company's learning oriented culture will be likely to help management address its emissions policy and ultimate goal of becoming a论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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